
Who do i complain to about a chinese establishment selling multi pack cans of pop for 2 pounds a go.?

by  |  earlier

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My wife and i went to our local Chinese to order take away. They have a bar so we decided to have some soft drinks while we waited for our meal. I had a pint of draught coke while my wife had a can of diet Irn Bru. The waitress poured some in a glass then gave my wife the can which on the side said from multi pack not for resale. Is this against the law? Can i complain to anyone?




  1. They certainly cannot be sold individually in a shop. As a multipak the items are obviously cheaper to encourage the individual consumer to bulk buy. They are not intended for trade to sell on individual cans. Had the restaurant served the drink correctly in a glass you would have been none the wiser.However, they did not. They poured the can and left it on your table.I would follow it up , especially as they over charged too. In your phone book look for dti - dept of trade and industry and pass the info to them.They will check the trading standards.

  2. Is it really worth it?

  3. consumer rights do it as well chinky plicks

  4. Complain to the manager or owner of the restraunt about the prices they charge. Then tell them that you will not be using the place again and that you will advise all your friends to do the same.

    Thats all you can do.

  5. Trading standards!

  6. trading standards will check this out


  8. this is a good which i don't know the answer but some other people obviously do.  I'm curious as to whether since they are selling it for consumption on premises if they are allowed to sell it from multi packs, as apposed to selling it from a corner shop as a seperates...which would be against laws.  Would be great to know what you find out. :)

  9. Trading Standards

  10. call trading standards and your local newspaper

  11. YOU call 2 groups

    1/ the council for the trading standards

    2/ thlocal paper to report how they are ripping people off.

  12. Yes it is, trading standards would be the best place to start.  The number will be in your local directory.

  13. Do you want to complain? It seems only very slightly shonky. It's still a perfectly good can.

    Examine your motivations, and consider theirs. You may realise something about yourself that is obvious to anyone reading your question.

  14. don't think you will get anywhere, you bought a drink, not a bottle,so where they got it from is irrelevant ...........

  15. Irn bru...made in Scotland from girders.

    I have seen loads of things like that,I have seen bottles of wine in restaurants with prices of over a fiver and i know they bought 3 bottles for a tenner!

    Apparently its called free enterprise(someone on here said it was! I think it's just plain greed!)

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