
Who do i contact to get compo for my freezer stuff ? my electric went off 14 hrs ago!?

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Who do i contact to get compo for my freezer stuff ? my electric went off 14 hrs ago!?




  1. your house insurance but if it was the electric peoples fault i would ring them up first and see what they say  

  2. i have had this happen to me unfortunately your only course of action is your household insurance if you are not covered you will have to put it down to experience and get cover now in case it happens again

  3. Bad luck, but I don't fancy your chances. I am sure your contract with the electricity supplier will state that supply may be interrupted by events beyond their control. Frozen food should be covered on your house contents insurance. If you aren't insured, hard lines.

  4. you should claim from your home insurance.

  5. Freezers should stay cold for 18hrs+ in the event of power failure.

    Food will not have spoiled in that time unless you were opening and closing the thing.

    I don't think that you should get anything..

    Your supply company do make inconvenience payments if you are without power for 18hours+, not otherwise.

  6. if you're in the US...and it's a LOCAL elec. problem, you don't get money for whats lost...

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