
Who do i go to get diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome?

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Who do i go to get diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome?




  1. your doctor

  2. you should call your doctor and tell him why you are concerned you might have it and s/he can help you set up an appointment with a specialist. Or you can set up an appointment with a neurologist.

  3. Psychologist or Psychiatrist

    Do some research on one who specializes in Asperger's Syndrome...then talk to you family doctor about making a referral for you to see this specialist.

  4. Typically, you have to go to a mental-health specialist, such as:

    A clinical social worker (MSW or LCSW or LMSW);

    A licensed professional counselor LPC);

    A psychologist (PsyD or PhD in most areas);

    A psychiatrist or neuropsychiatrist (MD).

    It depends on where you live and what's available to you.  Note that whenever you ask a question about where to find something, it is very helpful to note where you live, so we can tailor our results to your area.  For instance, if you live in Michigan, I could direct you to an Asperger's specialist there.  Since I don't know where you live, I cannot refer you.  

    There is another important issue about whom to go to, and that is, you want to go to somebody who specializes in autism-spectrum disorders or Asperger Syndrome itself.  The condition is so new to most people that many docs either don't know about it, or have no experience with it.  

    Another bit of false knowledge you have to deal with is that many MH practitioners think that AS is a children's diagnosis, not an adult one.  If you are over 16, I suggest you try to find somebody with experience working with adults, and if you are an adult, you should ask them directly, "Do you think it's possible for adults to have Asperger Syndrome?"

    Do not be afraid of quitting therapy if you think somebody is disagreeable, or refuses to consider the possibility you have AS, unless they can show you strong evidence what your problem(s) might be.  

    So now you have to find somebody.  You may have to call around, to various clinics, hospitals, and look online to find the right person.  Take some time doing this.  If you speak to somebody and they don't have a direct answer, ask them if they know of anybody else you can talk to.  Take lots of notes.  Best wishes finding somebody soon.

  5. A psychologist or psychiatrist should be able to diagnose. Get a referral from your family doctor.

  6. If you are a minor, you will want to get your parent involved. She can request that the school do an Asperger's rating scale. There are two that are normally used. One is the ASDS: Asperger Syndrome Diagnostic Scale and the other is the GADS: The Gilliam Asperger's Disorder Scale.

    If you are an adult, I suggest you go online and try to buy one of these scales because it will help you understand the traits of Asperger's and give you an idea if you actually have it. Another place to get help is to go online and go to CARD, The Center for Autism and Related Disorders.

    Once you do the rating scales, then you can take them to the doctor to inquire about a diagnosis.  Your family doctor may not be able to make the diagnosis, so you may need to go to a neurologist or a psychiatrist.

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