
Who do the Clintons think they are? God? Kennedy reborn? The USA of Bill and Hillary?

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You know, it looks to me like Shillary is continuing to act like she was the chosen one or something. I hate to break it to all these Shillary fans, but she didn't do jack squat for NY when I lived in NY, and the entire upstate region is in worse shape then before she was the Senator for that State. I know a Senator doesn't do as much as a Governor but she wants to act like she's something on what then? What accomplishments did she do for NY that's so impacting and better then that Obama guy? Does she not realize, that NY has more miles and land UPSTATE then the 1% of land in the city?

So what's the deal here? To me it seems like it's an indicator, she only cares about people that have money. Yes I know there are people making little money in the City. I used to live there too, but there is also BIG time money there too and big time politics. The message I get from her is the same as her husband gave. We gonna look out for you rich people and s***w the poor. I mean seriously, I'd just respect them or any politician more if they'd just come out and say what's really up.

Her arrogance is at a level I rarely see outside of like professional sports. To suggest that Obama should run as VP with her when she was losing, is practically a class of it's own. To tell the country that every vote and every state counts, but use that you won in the big states as the pulpit to get Obama to concede and not beat you, is a contradiction. If you really believe, Shillary, that the big states are what mattered, come November, then why carry out a series of Gurellia war on the smaller states? Why say they matter, when clearly they don't come November? You are so full of chit like your husband, I hope you get removed from your office in NY. Why do people like you run for office? To satisfy your ego's? You're backers and camp team sure acts like it. You lost, get over it. YOU AREN'T GOD EITHER. Stop acting like you are.




  1. i agree

  2. fake appreciation ?

  3. will you know arrogance and ignorance run hand and hand

  4. She won 61% of that upstate Republican vote last time out.

    You have the problem, not her.

    I am a life long New Yorker, presently living in Upstate, so I do know of where I speak, she was not enthusiastically embraced here, but she proved her worth by visiting every single area of the state and knowing what they wanted and needed to hear, she did her homework, and if you don't think thats impressive then you should have seen her competition, they never went north of Westchester.   I really don't know whats inspired such senseless vitriol.  Electoral votes in big states mean they do count for more when running for presidency.  Thats just fact.  Upstate NY was going to have problems no matter who took the junior senator position, they lost most of their manufacturing over the years before she ran for office, and shes done what she could in terms of getting or trying to get funds for different project all over the region.

    Its been hard to pry anything out of Republican hands, and if you don't think party is an issue about where the money goes, then you are very naieve.

    She and her husband carry a lot of good will and fond memories from the years they were in office, as do most previous presidents for their party, why that disturbs you so much is beyond reason.

    If you are a fan of Obamas then I can understand why you are so scared and angry,  there was no question in my mind that she was pushed out by a chicken-zhit Democratic party leadership that listened too hard to Olbermann and his endless Hillary diatribes.

    That at this point Obama is not the runaway candidate the Dems deserve after the poor showing of the Republican party means that hes not the general candidate they thought they could have.

    They should have gone with Hillary. They didn't, if they end up with McCain they have only themselves to blame...again.

  5. AMEN!! Agree, Those clintons are evil, and they do not like to loose! I am voting Rep. for the fact that what the demos are doing in congress in hateful towards the American, over the Gas problem, nasty P'lousy, fineswine and the boxer dog, are Just like hellery, they do not like to loose, and want to be in control, to me they are all socialist commies, and capitalists!! and they are all using our tax money to better themselves, I am thinking they all have some kind of stock in foreign oil, and will not help their own citizens of the USA, its shameful, and Godless for sure, that our own American people are turncoats, against us!! sad indeed!! How did this happen. its been this way since bill the pill was elected, He fooled everyone then to!!!

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