
Who do these names represent?

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1 Attilla the Hen

2 Slick Willy

3 Dubya

4 Harry Pothead

5 Three Minute Jack

6 Phil the Greek

7 Betty Windsor

8 Camilla Parkyer- Balls




  1. 1) Atilla the Hen  --An unflattering nickname for Margaret Thatcher, former prime minister of England, in reference to her adamant manner.

    2)Slick Willy  --  An unflattering, but quite accurate nickname for Bill Clinton who wheeled and dealed his way to the position of Gov. of Ark, and later to Pres. of USA, and later out of quite proper impeachment proceedings brought against him while he was holding the office of Pres.

    3)  Dubya  --  A not-so-clever nickname for Geo. W. Bush, whose middle initial, W., properly pronounced "double-you" is often improperly pronounced "dub-ya".

    4)Harry Pothead--a fictional book shown in scary movie 2, obviously a parody of JKR's Harry Potter books.  (Later__I have found a reference to an actual book about Harry & the Marijuana Stone, but it has no reference to the English prince.  That it should refer to him seems logical, given the gist of these questions, but I can find no such reference.....)

    5)Three Minute Jack  --  a reference to a flub in episode 22 of TV's "Lost", when some was not where they should have been at the proper time, then showed up later, when they were presumed permanently missing, or something like that.  It was confusing, and has never been logically explained by the show's writers.

    6)  Phil the Greek  --  Prince Philip, husband of queen Elizabeth of England was born in Greece.  His father was Prince Andrew of Greece.  Upon his marriage to Princess (later Queen) Elizabeth of England, he gave up his rights to the Throne of Greece.

    7)  Betty Windsor  -- The ancestors of England's Queen Elizabeth may have once populated Australia with the overflow of Britain's prisons; and her children, including her heir, seem to know no end of scandal. But the Queen remains enormously popular in Australia. To her more irreverent but still affectionate subjects down under, the Queen is known as ***Betty Windsor or Betty Britain***. Her profile is stamped on Australian coins and engraved on the Australian five-dollar bill, and the monarchists know that they pick up support by portraying the republican movement as a snub to the Queen.

    8) Camilla Parker-Balls  --  Princess Diana's former rival for Prince Philip, Camilla Parker-Bowles is now married to Di's ex, and might possibly one day be Queen of England.  She was Prince Charles' illegitimate lover for many years before his divorce from Diana and before her death.

    The validity of her marriage to Charles is in question, as neither the church nor the palace was sanctioned as a proper place for them to wed.

  2. Sounds like an irreverent lineup of world rulers, politicians, or royalty, past and present:

    1) Margaret Thatcher, UK

    2) William J. Clinton, USA

    3) George W. Bush, USA

    4) Prince Harry, UK (following his drug troubles a few years back)

    5) ?

    6) Prince Philip, UK

    7) Queen Elizabeth II, UK

    8) Camilla Parker-Bowles, UK

    You can Google for the nicknames above alongside the real names; most seem to be valid nicknames used to describe these people at one time or another -- with the exception of "Parkyer-Balls," which doesn't seem to be a valid nickname that I can find.

    If I can track down person 5, I'll add it to the list.

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