
Who do u think is cuter demi or selena??

by  |  earlier

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plez no bad wordz im only 10 i think demi has a cuter smile but selena has cute eyes so get answering




  1. selena but they r both rly pretty!

    i know selena's screen name 4 y!a


  2. Selena.  Demi has a butt chin.

  3. Ummm..... demis kinda pretty but also kinda weird looking. I'd say Selena's way cuter.

  4. Selena, though I hate all the disney manufactured stars.

    She seems the most "real"

  5. lol um i like selena better.

  6. Ask me again in like 5 years.

  7. none sorry..

  8. I like both of their movies/tvshows, and i think that their both really cool. I cant decide.  

  9. if demi dint have that smile u like she would win but slena is hottt

  10. selena DEFINITELY!

    demi overstretches and overemphasizes her smile.

    kinda scary in a way...

  11. i truely dont know sometimes in some pictures demi has a gap in between her front 2 teeth so id say selena 4 sure

  12. demi

  13. Selena, I love her chubby face

  14. 10 times down.


    I hate the  way Demi Lovato smiles

  15. I hate selena

    her songs sound exactly like mileys album breakout songs

    I love Demi tho

    Shes really pretty : )

  16. demis cuter!

  17. I like demi way more.

    because i kinda not really think she's okay-sh about selena.

    she just seems a little fake-ish you know?

    well whatever.

    demi ftw :D

    but selenas good-ish too... i guess.

  18. selena. demi's smile and hair are really annoying.

    uhh, are you allowed to be on here when you're only 10? i thought you had to be like 13...

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