
Who do u think shoulda won UFC86: QUINTON “RAMPAGE” JACKSON or FORREST GRIFFIN??

by Guest56117  |  earlier

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i was wit rampage




  1. Griffin beat up the air.  lots of punches with no landing.  sad night for Rampage.

  2. forrest easily

  3. It clearky shows you that ufc is becoming like boxing...FIXED!!! like a few of my other mma fans the least it should have been was a draw, but hey forrest is the poster boy of ufc and dana knows what he was doing. rampage will come again. totally BS man, totally!!!

    also if you know that was chuck that would have went to chucks favor!!!  Forrest would be a bigger buy than rampage. Dana has no love for the sport only the $$$. tivo july 19 and watch afflication banned!!! I dont understand dana he is so quick to fire fighters but wants to destroy all other mma organizations. f'ing a$$hole.

  4. There is absolutely no way Forrest won that fight.  How did they only give Rampage the first round?  Yeah, Griffin messed him up in round two, but THAT WAS THE ONLY ROUND.  The only thing Forrest had going the rest of the night was leg kicks.  He threw a bunch, but wasn't landing $hit.  Every time Rampage threw a combo, he was bouncing gloves off Forrest's head!  He easily won that fight, 4 rounds to 1!  Unf*ckinbelievable!

    At the very worst, Rampage won 3 rounds to 2.  And even if you only scored Rampage 8 points for round 2, then you have a draw.  But there is no way Forrest won unanimously.  I just re-watched the fight again.  HE DIDN'T HURT RAMPAGE AT ALL AFTER ROUND 2!

  5. Forrest...he did the deed.  Forrest has also beaten Rua, a guy who consistently beat Jackson.  Forrest is never pretty in a win or a loss, but he fights hard and well.

  6. Ok for all of you who think that Rampage got robbed.  I fight MMA I have lost a decision and I though I should have won.  Well if you have never been a judge then you don't know.  Judges are that judges its like being in a beauty contest just more blood.  The areas that are judged are:

    -Clean Strikes- both fighters had but Rampage more wild thats a point off.

    -Effective Grappling- Well we all know how Rampage fells about this he doesnt do it more points off.

    -Octagon Control- Griffin controled the gon for almost the whole fight.

    -Effective Aggressiveness- The fact that Girffin stood in and took punches and had a few number of knock downs after some of the heavy hits he charged in and countered this gave him an advantage.  

    So please before you go all oh he got robbed on use look at the scoreing system.  In mma you dont whine about the desicion you do somthing about it. Just goes to show that Rampage was under trained should have came harder.

  7. no!nothing he did earned a belt.i'm training mma.before this i've been a kickboxer for about 12 yrs and i have never seen as bad   decisions a i seen in the ufc.yes by my self we can all read the scoring system off the tv and act like we know what we're talking about but that was a uncle, who was a golden gloves and muay thai champ has judged fights before and he said he's never seen worse decisions than in mma.and he's judged fighters like superfoot, benny the jet, and and dennis if u roll around and play grab *** u win the fight?since mma became "popular" i've seen jokers throw on a tapout shirt, go train at a gym for a couple of months, and watch a fight on tv, and now they're judging too.d**n!

  8. ok forrest dominated rampage in round 2 but for all the other rounds i'd definitly give it to rampage i mean he won the 4th round and the 5th round not just the first it is complete bull but dont worry as forrest sad this sucks because im gonna have to have a rematch with rampage and thats exactly right because next time Quinton will be able 2 block those wussy leg kicks and not be injured early and dominate forrest to get his belt back which is rightfully his

  9. Patrick they gave jackson the first and 4th round.griffin got a 10-8 round in the second.and the judges gave him the 3rd and 5th 10-9.

  10. I thought they should have called a draw.  Both fighters had the edge in different aspects of the fight.

    But I thought neither of them was really doing better than the other.

  11. Quinton "RAMPAGE"!!! Jackson man he didplayed crazy head movement an dident respect forrest striking power when he ate a jab it was because he threw hook and right after the punch coming hurt forret more than the first punch did Quinton :) Oh its TRUE and it was rigged

  12. are you kidding. in the fifth round every time rampage threw a big punch he had to limp just to get his balance back. yeah rampage hit the harder shots but griffin picked him apart the whole fight. when griffen was on his back he took no damage, no damage at all whole trying to end the fight with submissions. rampage likes to hit and hit hard and he does but he lost to a more well rounded quicker fighter with longer reach.

    rampage after the fight said that griffin deserved to win

  13. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    ufc 86 video here:



  14. Dude what the h**l are you talking about of course  rampage do doubt about it, every punch he threw was hard they only thing I felt was, he seem out of it, like if he wasn't there .

  15. Were we all watching the same fight?  I mean, I know it wasn't a massacre, but Forrest won the fight!  Quit being sore losers and get over it!  Rampage will get his rematch in time..

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