
Who do u think was the greatest Greek GOD ever?

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  1. Persephone!!!!!!!!! ( daughter of Demeter, the harvest god)

    she was amazing how she survived those 6 months in the underworld with Hades, and only ate 6 seeds of the pomegrante. those 6 simple seeds caused her her fate: for 6 months per year, she must stay with Hades. this is why we have summer and winter.

  2. Athena - all the way!

  3. ares...

    i like every god of war =)

    strong, muscelous and masculine...what a perfect man!

    as er lang in chinese myth, or archangel michael in the bible. i like them all.

  4. My favorite is Dionysus (also known as Bacchus)

    God of Wine, but much, much more. A very wild, wonderful God. I sure would have liked to attended an ancient Bacchanalia!

    I should become a Maenad!

    Woo Hoooo!

  5. Well Zeus is the greatest there's no doubt. As for the others I don't really have a favorite because I like them all but in particular I like Ares, Apollo and Athena because they're fire, light and wisdom.

  6. Artemis

  7. Zeus? He was the God amongst Gods but rather than him I think Chronos was the greatest Greek God, he could control time, whats better than that?

  8. Nordic Gods are better, haha.

  9. Come on Apollo

    Symbol or Attribute: The Sun itself, the lyre (a type of musical instrument), the bow, and the chariot he drives across the sky daily.

    Apollo's Strengths: Creative, handsome, supportive of all the arts of civilization.

    me on

  10. ares was a coward, Aphrodite was a ****, Zeus was the cheating man ****( Hera married him because he raped her and was ashamed), Poseidon was OK, Hera had like, no powers, Demeter,no. Hermes was OK. but my favorite falls between graceful Artemis and wise Athena. Athena is a strong smart goddess who's plan never fails and is very crafty.

    Artemis is the swift cunning goddess who's arrow always strikes it's target

  11. My favorite Greek God is Prometheus. He brought fire to man, and was man's physical bodies creator. He could see into the future, and was so smart he outsmarted both Cronus and Zeus. Zeus punished him though but in the end Hercules free'd him.

  12. Aphroditie because she slept with every man on Mount Olympus.

  13. Cerberus, even if he wasn't technically a god, because hes a dog with three heads, how can you get any cooler?

    Or Athena, because shes just awesome. no more need be said.

  14. Bacchus - god of wine

  15. Eros, existing till today!♥♥♥

  16. well i have a favorite greek goddess and its athena because she is the goddess of wisdom and i like it because it reminds me a lot of the women in my family

    my favorite god was zeus because he was the strongest

  17. Zeus is the traditional father of the Greek gods.

  18. Athena , since she was goddess of wisdom.

  19. Pan!! He rocks!

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