
Who do u think will win the election why and who my opinion is obama to make history for black people ?

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Who do u think will win the election why and who my opinion is obama to make history for black people ?




  1. I think that McCain will win. Honestly, who wants a President that will turn his back to the flag..if Obama wins, then it just shows how the whole world is going completely nuts!

    McCain/Palin 08!!

  2. Obama will win. McCain is a republican that has ties with democrats and is losing out on a lot of hardcore republicans. Obama is a democrat that democrats LOVE and get extremely motivated by. I think the DNC just further proved how strong the democratic support is this year. Obama Biden 08

  3. Obama will win this Election, its already been written.

  4. I think McCain will win...

    Also, why is this such an issue about "history for black people"  how about "History for America"

    I bet you are excited because Obama may have street cred too...

    Like that matters...

    You need to let go of your white guilt... I bet you even date black people because you feel like you owe them something...  

  5. McCain will be the next President.  Since Obama is Half White....He can hardly be considered Black.  Actually the correct term for Obama, is Mulatto.  (Half White Half Black)

  6. i've got a feeling mccain is gonna take it. the republican spin machine will be working full time and will shred him before and after the debates (if obama shows up). if they're smart they'll point out the stupidity of universal healthcare and a strict timetable to pulling out of iraq. on a side note, why is it that democrats are pointing out the race factor more than anyone? i thought they're supposed to be all about equality not singling out differences (even if they're doing it to promote their cause). i've just noticed that democrats usually are the first to point out someones race or s*x, then condemn others that don't support them as being racist or sexist.

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