
Who do u think will win the grand final and by how much?

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Go the eagles!




  1. Eagles by 32

    GO EAGLES!!!!

  2. eagles by 1

  3. Eagles by 9 points......Cousins will win the Norm Smith medal.......Mick O` Loughlin will kick the first goal. 10 points of I`m right??

  4. Swans by 14. Got my ticket and am ready to go

  5. i want the eagles to win GO THE EAGLES plus judd and kerr and cousins are the best in the team no one acan defeat them.

  6. West Coast by 16 points!!

  7. West Coast by 11pts.

  8. Can't stand Sydeley.  SO I suppose I'll go for the Weagles like nearly everybody else in Melbourne.

    GO Pies!

  9. I think it will be the swans by less than a goal.

  10. The Eagles...please oh please oh please :P

    I'm hoping our boys crush the swans, but I'll settle for a 1 point victory :) I was more confident last year and we lost, so I'm just gonna kick back and hope for the best.

    The scoreline I want:

    124 Eagles vs Swans 42

    The more likely scoreline if the Eagles manage the win:

    82 Eagles vs Swans 72

    Man of the Match: Gotta be Ben Cousins.

    (And I'm hoping big Lynch will kick a bag full :D)

    Carn the Eagles!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. dont know

    but we will see

  12. Swans by 17...

    Will be watching at 4.30am in the Shaftsbury Avenue Walkabout, in London! Come on Swannies! Back to Back!!

  13. I think that the swans will win by 6 points. Yay go the swans!

  14. The EAGLES by 36 points GO EAGLES wooot woooooot.

  15. Sorry Sharn, I live in Perth but cannot stand the Eagles.

    I am going for the Sydney Swans. I do not know, this will be a close game.

    I suppose saying what I did about the eagles has lost me 10 points. lol

  16. the swans all the way. i think it'll b jus by a goal in the last minute.


  17. Eagles by 12 points.

    The Eagles had a light trainning session this week so.

    If they managed to run the swans silly, then more than 35 points.


    oh, where did the Swannie Fans go. Too angry for words! lol!

  18. I think the extra week off that Sydney had during the finals will pay off handsomely tomorrow, with Sydney winning by about 24 points. It's a shame really, because West Coast have been the best overall team this year.

  19. Sydney Swans by 41pts they have proved they struggle with Sydney and if West Coast are not on there game is will be more

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