
Who do u think would have won when they were both in their prime..?

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Muhammad Ali or Rocky Marciano... me personally i know Marciano would have won.




  1. Rocky was like a bulldozer. But Ali, could float like a butterfly

    But, I would have to give the nod to, Rocky.

  2. Rocky Marciano will beat Ali!

    Rocky Marciano is the only undefeated heavy weight champion!

  3. the ali vs. marciano question needs to be put to rest, and i strongly beleive that there are others out there who feel the same way that i do...first and foremost the rules of the game have changed over the years in boxing and the methods of training as well...both fighters are without question the greatest champions of their time and lets keep it that way, the same goes for champions like dempsey, louis etc.

  4. Both fighters have great chins! Neither were easily hurt. That being said this fight would be speed vs power. The thing I look at is the fact Ali withstood Foreman, Frazier, Shavers and Liston. I don't think Rocky at 188lbs hit any harder than Foreman or Shavers at 225lbs.

    I agree with blogbaba regarding Ali losing his best years. Unfortunately we can only speculate on how good he might have been.

    That being said Ali had a 13" reach advantage and about 18 lbs on Rocky, and speed never seen before or since.

    I don't believe Ali would Ko Rock, he was to strong. But Ali's speed and ability to take punishment and size advantage would make me believe he'd win on points. It would a great fight. A classic styles match up!

  5. if a 38 year old walcott can outbox the rock, then a 25 year old ali would as well.......ali by decision.

  6. I'm sorry to say that I disagree, but it would have been a terrific fight.  Marciano was, to his credit, a phenomenal puncher, and could have punched a hole right through Ali's chest. . . ..IF Ali stood still, which he'd never do against a puncher like Rocky.

    Ali stood with harder punchers (Foreman and Shavers) and came out just fine.  Also, Rocky was a really crude "boxer" (by that I mean, his boxing skills weren't exactly that of a Mayweather or Robinson).  

    While I think Marciano could have been another Joe Frazier for Ali. . . .I think the Louisville Lip would have prevailed.

  7. ali as he greatest all time rocky fighted lots of bums! he was just a good fighter! ali would have played with him.

  8. Muhammad

  9. Neither were ever knocked out in the ring.  Charles gave Marciano a boxing lesson for about 7 rounds only to tire out and have Marciano storm back and get the decision.  Ali is quicker than Charles and certainly comparable in boxing ability.  I think that what all this means is that this would be a very close fight and having seen Ali rest alot during rounds he would have to be in his best shape ever to be able to go the distance with Marciano.  I have Marciano winning by a slim margin but in any return bout this could go either way.

  10. This is the toughest of all boxing arguments and will always polarize a boxing crowd, but I will try to do it justice.  We will never know just how good Ali would have been in his prime, the Ali that KOed Zora Folley in 1967 was still improving, and three years later the Ali that KOed Quarry was the center of a political and social maelstrom that is still a considerable source of dissent to this day.  Ali clearly is the single best heavyweight of all time.  Nobody, before or since fought the level of opposition that Ali did.  People like Patterson, Liston, Frazier, Forman & Norton  represent some of the most talented heavyweights in history, and Ali beat them all while leading a life that could best be described as historic.  The problem is HE WAS INACTIVE DURING HIS PRIME, WE DON'T REALLY KNOW HOW GOOD HE COULD HAVE BEEN.  Amazingly, politics took the best Ali had to offer boxing, but what was left was still better than any before or since.

    Marciano was most likely the best conditioned heavyweight of all time and his training regiment is legendary.   Rock had heart that Holyfield would envy, and a right hand the literally NEVER FAILED him.  Perfection is rare in life, and few achieve it in boxing, but Rocky did.  49-0 is a mark that has stood the test of time, and you cannot say enough about Rock, he was without a doubt one of boxing's top ten pound for pound all time greats.  An undefeated heavyweight champion with a 68 inch reach is simply beyond belief, but that was Rocky.  Rock took out three rock solid hall of famers himself in Walcott, Charles and a younger Moore than the old man Ali beat.  Marciano defined "superior mental attitude" and was the living example of mind over matter.  He simply refused to lose, and was the embodiment of the word "champion".  During the taping of the computer match between he and Ali, Ali starting clowning and taunting Rock, and Rocky landed a left to Ali's liver that immediately ended the jokes.  Ali's psychological game found no weakness in Marciano, only condifence.  

    This would have been the ultimate in opposing styles between two of boxing's greats.  

    If two heavyweight champions could duplicate Julio Cesar Chavez/Meldrick Taylor it would have been these guys, it would have been that type of fight.  

    If Rock didn't KO Ali, Ali would have won a decision.  Sorry for the cop out, but it is the best I can do.

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