
Who do you WANT to win Big Brother 10? Who do you think WILL win? Is there any hope for Jerry?

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Who do you WANT to win Big Brother 10? Who do you think WILL win? Is there any hope for Jerry?




  1. since Memphis took Dan off the block this week, I think Dan has a good chance at making I want and think Dan will win............since Jerry can't play in hoh this week.....i don't think theres any hope for him.......

  2. I would love for Jerry to win, since he's a Senior Citizen at 75 years young!  But, I doubt he will survive much longer because he has lost all his "friends".

    I am hoping that Memphis gets voted off soon.  I just don't like him.  Maybe word will get out about his triple deals.  Jerry already found out the guy can't be trusted.  I'm waiting for the others to find out.  Rennny will be voted off next is my guess.

    I think that Dan will be the winner.

  3. You guys gotta remember that the ppl in the jury house will be deciding who wins, and so far the ppl who are in the jury DESPISE dan, so no way will they vote for him. Anyways, GO MEMPHIS!!!!!!

  4. I want Dan to win. Best successful strategy=most deserving.

    I don't think there is any hope for Jerry because he can't play in the next HOH competition.

  5. Of course there hope for Jerry

    He can not play in the HOH, but can play in the POV

    Jerry needs to win POV, then HOH(two of the three rounds in the last HOH).  It's possible if he get to the second round, he will win the last HOH

    Yes he has a chance in the second round of the HOH

    I can not seeing him beat Memphis, Dan, Keesha or Renny is the first round, it they do the same as the others

    I would like Dan or Memphis to win

  6. Wow.  This is such a good question, I have to give you a star.

    Dan had an awesome strategy.  I really liked his game play.

    He played weak, and then with humor and then with intelligence.

    However, he has left himself vulnerable at the end and must be carried by Memphis.

    Everyone was gunning for Memphis.  Someone even said,'if we don't get that dude out this week, he could win the whole thing.'  I didn't like his strategy at first..he was almost kicked out, but since then he has grown on me plus he already has a nice prize.

    Keesha....sweet Keesha.  I really like this chick. I hope she does something other than pose for playboy.  I'd like to see her with some awesome opportunities like Elizabeth from Survivor has.

    She had a GREAT strategy.   Align with an alliance, keep them all happy all the while picking off the attractive females, so in the end only Remmy was left.  She was everyone's friend except for April who viewed her as a threat, and if April and Ollie hadn't hooked up in the first 2 seconds of the show, he probably would have made a move for her.

    So long story short ( I know..too late =O), I must say, I hope the final two are Keesha and Dan. With Keesha being the winner and Dan coming in second.  

  7. Jerry's chances are slim to none. I like Dan and would be OK if he won, I'd prefer Renny to win but I don't know anymore.

  8. No hope for Jerry. I think Rex might win.

  9. i love renny but she is up on the block and leaving this thursday,,,, i like dan,,, jerry is a dirty old man,,, just watched the video on youtube of him falling into the pool when he was trying to read a banner on a plane ,,,too funny

  10. Dan deserves it but I would bet on  Memphis. No hope for jerry.  

  11. I think that Dan played the game very well to win but the only thing that is holding Dan back is that the majority of the Jury House HATES him. If it comes down to Keesha and Dan. I think the Jury would vote emotionally and have Keesha win.

  12. I think Dan is most deserving to win bb10.  He has played so well strategically, even with the America's player challenges.

    Jerry's only hope is to win the veto when he is put on the block next week.  

  13. I would love for Dan to win but he blew it.  Right now if I am Memphis I take him all the way with me.  This show has so many people angry at everyone and Dan is the key.  He ticked off Jerry, Ollie, April and Michelle.  That is 4 non Dan votes right there.  I know some thing ohh they will realize it in the end.  No this season stunk because nobody relaxed and got drunk and had fun.  They were testy from day one.

  14. I don't care for any of them. I hope Jerry doesn't win. He annoys me. If I had to choose anyone to win I would probably choose Renny or Memphis.

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