Science is now sayng that man has a life expectancy of about 120 years, In addition, the Bible in Gen 6:3 also states that man shall live "one hundred and twenty years." Who should I believe, science or the Bible?
But the real question is, where is the tree of life? According to the Bible, Gen3:22, if we "take also of the tree of life, and eat" we will live forever.
Can we find the "tree of life" in a glass of red wine, a bottle of vitamins, or in the food that we eat?
If I find the "tree of life" and eat of its fruit, does that mean I will stop aging, or regain a youthful appearance? How young could I possibly become?
And what about my dog? I love my dog. I would want her to live forever as well.
Please help me to understand the science of the Bible.