
Who do you believe have better balance men or women?

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I believe men have better balance. I lot of women I know couldn’t scale a mountain If their life depended on it. Women are always holding onto me when walking across tuff terrain.




  1. People who practice yoga and dance, regardless of gender.

  2. You are right.  I can easily trip over my own two feet! lol!

  3. Compared to men, women have weaker upper bodies and proportionally stronger lower bodies. This different distribution of weight makes for a lower centre of gravity. This lower centre of gravity improves balance.

    I would expect that the female body shape would give women better balance.

  4. I have no idea. I can balance all right, I suppose. My husband wrecked a motorcycle that wasn't even turned on. So in this particular family I'd say I'm better balanced.

  5. Women

  6. Yeah, all those female gymnasts need help from a big "strong" man like you. [cough, cough]

  7. Biologically speaking, women. The fact that woman can even stand up, let alone walk, while pregnant defies the human body's physics. lose. Women pretend to need help going across **** partly to make YOU feel better (fragile man-child egos and all that) and two, society generally requires it. Good day to you, sir.

    Edit: Oh Bald Max, you seem angry. I think maybe your Mommy didn't love you right. That's sad:( Maybe you were just an unlovable little kid?

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