
Who do you believe when you are told who you are?

by  |  earlier

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a. parents/family

b. authority figure/boss

c. friends/coworkers

d. your self

e. other




  1. Every person sees you differently.

    You know yourself better than


    Sift through what is said and

    determine who you are.

  2. a, c and d.

  3. I now listen to myself but a year ago a., b., c., and e. where all big influences in how I felt about myself.  

  4. i dont know who i am or who i want to be so its just what comes to mind how i act or how i feel at the moment. so i dont listen to aqnyone when they tell me who i am, not even myself/.

  5. I guess you can listen to what everyone says, but ultimately you know yourself better than anyone.  

  6. ...myself...i am responsible for my words, thoughts, and actions...

    ...i can handle that...

  7. there's no one answer; i lean toward myself, but when i try to figure something out i take into account things that have been told to me by a, b, and c.

  8. no one.  is it not true that when you tell yourself who you are, you mostly lie to yourself to convince yourself that you are who you want to be. sorry that sentence was probably confusing. anyway how would a b or c know more about you than you do? that makes no since. you know the most about yourself but not everything. the search for that knowledge is called "life". live it and more will be revealed.  

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