
Who do you blame for the economy & high gas prices?

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Every one wants to blaim Bush for the economy and gas prices due to his "control" of the national budget. And they think that getting a new guy in office will fix it.

The budget does not magically change when a new guy takes office, it is already set up and he inherits one from the previous administration. So, in fact, the economy will not reflect the policies of the new president, as much as it does the new congress, and then it will not do that for at least two years to four years!

WE have not had a president that had any real control over the spending of congress since Reagan.

The rest of the time is was just a matter of the president getting whatever he could get congress to compromise on, or him getting whatever congress shoved down his throat.

Personally, I blame the economic mess on the congress, not the president. The only blame for the economy that I put on Bush is that he did not have the guts to force congress to override a veto on each budget.




  1. A lot of our current problems come directly from Clinton and the congress. I agree we should modify the rules and get that line item veto.

  2. You forgot someone though...

    The American citizens.  We are at fault too...

  3. Bush is a puppet of the Federal Reserve Bank.  The Fed is responsible for inflation and recession.  They print the money.  They decide whether money will be in abundance or not.  Oil prices are due to the media.  The media controls whether people will buy or sell.  Who controls the media?  The government.  Who controls the government?  The International Bankers like the Fed and the World Bank.

  4. Man, you sure nailed it good! Bush should be horse whipped for insisting we stay in Iraq, but blaming him for everything wrong with our nation today is not just an over simplification but stupid too.

    Remember when all the Democrat supporters clapped their hands in glee when that party regained its strength and power in Congress? Everything was going to get better! And now that things have actually gotten worse, it's all Bush's fault again.

  5. You are obviously Republican. Bush is to blame for high gas prices. People seem to forget that before he came to office, he had stocks in the  oil market and I think he even worked for an oil company . He is about to get out of office,and he wants to make sure that when he goes back to being "not the president" he will have enough money to fall back on. I know they get money when they retire from office, but Bush is greedy, andhe's used to living a certain lifestyle and he doesn't want that to change. I tell everyone to pay attention to the things that happened befor he was ever elected. Gas has never hi high, why would it skyrocket now that he is in office? It's time for a change, OBAMA FOR PRESIDENT!!!!!!


    The USSC who put him into office

    Clinton who did nothing to stop his installation.

    Six years of Republican majority who rubberstamped Bush's irresponsible policies and actions

    Democrats who are doing little now with their SLIM majority to stop his reign of corruption with illegal wiretapping, torture, rendition, lying us into illegal occupations, gross negligence, malfeasance, incompentence.

    Republicans who are fillabustering anything the Democrats try to do.

    It is very ironic that during the last part of Clinton's presidency, gas prices went up to $1.43.  Righties and their talk machines went crazy blaming it on Clinton.  They were screaming about how he handled the strategic petroleum reserves, and Junior Bush during his campaign said how he would do it differently if he was in office to drive down the price.  Does the brainwashing hurt?  Ol' Unca Newtie's plan to blame gas prices on everyone but Bush and the republican powers is working!

  7. Bush and his oil executive friends.

  8. It has to be shared by the people and the politicians.  Now, on to your thoughts about Bush and congress.  Bush has pretty much gotten everything he has wanted as president, and pretty much vetoed what he didn't want, so don't blame congress.  Yes, Reagan was the puppet master for congress and look what it got us, deep in debt.   I pretty much blame Bush for getting us into the quagmire of Iraq, which has cost us billions and forced us to borrow money, bringing the value of our dollar down, which does not help our economy.  I also blame OPEC and big oil for massive profits during a bad economy.  Oil prices are one thing, but price manipulation by creating shortages and colluding to set prices without competition is another.  That is supposedly illegal and Bush has fought every effort to investigate this.  Fuel prices are literally killing off small businesses on a daily basis.  Most of America is having to cut back on non necessities and are dipping into their savings just to get by. Who is that hurting?  Every industry that doesn't sell necessities.Edit :  When the President threatens to veto a bill if passed, how long do you think it lasts?  He has used that tool many times.  And if you think that has been his only s***w up, not using his veto power, I feel for you.

  9. as to the gas prices i blame the speculators that drive up the price of oil and just buy and sell with out ever having to take dilivery of it..i say ship them the barrells they buy and tell them to do something with to the economy i blame the oil speculators for driving up the cost of everything based on oil futures as oil goes up so does food and everything else it cost more just to live.

  10. There is no one person to blame for all of this.  People who believe that simply don't understand anything about global economics OR national economics or government structure.  The President of the United States has many many fewer things under his control than anybody wants to believe which is what makes all politicians so laughable when they start promising "change."  Yeah, yeah, yeah, like they can actually make that happen.

    Oil is about supply and demand.  It is funny how we (in the US) complain and yet the Europeans pay three times what we do.

  11. Try looking at the impact the PNAC had on the economy during the last twenty years of republican (neoconservative) administrations and I think you will see a pattern.

  12. Israel and Bush!

    Thee peoples make statements and then the oil price jumps $10.00, $20.00 and $30.00 overnight! This time the price went down $8.00!!


    Oil down more than $8 in 2 days

    Oh please try this one if you like


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