
Who do you blame more for high energy cost, the Democrats or the Republicans? Why?

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The Dems are more interested in protecting the three toed wingless Wombat than alowing our own energy development.

The Republican's have supported the interest of big oil over the needs of the country.

Wouldn't it be best to retire both parties?




  1. environmentalists.

  2. I blame the fatcats who own the oil companies.

  3. Neither it s a supply and demand issue.

  4. Democrats because they have passed a bunch of laws that ban drilling and building Nuclear Power plants

  5. Both parties have been lax in doing their jobs. Democrats seem determined to destroy our economy by blocking movement to nuclear energy and permitting off shore drilling. The Chinese are already working on horizontal drilling in Cuban waters to get oil reserves that really in US waters. Their concerns about safely are certainly no match for the ones that would be imposed on American companies doing the same type of work.  Instead of blaming one party I put the blame on both parties. The people also share blame for continuing to use gas guzzlers and wasting energy.

  6. Fault lies with both parties dating back to the late 70's.  Nothing substantial has been done with our National Energy Policy since th egas lines of the Jimmy Carter Administration.  A lot of rhetoric and lip service.

  7. It's a failure of government policy on both sides of the isle over the last 30 some years.

    Dems failure to believe it would ever occur (always saying cost effective alternative forms of energy are just around the corner) and Repubs failure to convince them that expanded domestic production is more than an energy or business issue but also a national security issue.

    Now, after saying that. It's important to note that neither party could prevent the huge world wide increased demand from China, India and other emerging markets.

    While we could be better off, there would still be increased energy costs no matter what they did.

  8. Dems, Republicans tried years ago to begin drilling here to head off this event and the Dems blocked them.

  9. Democrats by restricting Supply at all levels while demand increased it is a classic example of economics,  you'd thought they'd learned after the power debacle in CA.

    Economics is a science while global warming is junk science designed to intsill fear and raise energy prices.

    Can't you wait until the old and young freeze to death in their own homes because they can't afford to heat them.

  10. I blame the Federal Reserve.

    Yea... go ahead and get rid of Democrats.  That way it will cause you to have to think harder on what the actual problem is since it will still be there after Dems are long gone.

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