
Who do you consider as the controversial monarch in history?

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is it Henry VIII when he wants to divorce his wife and built his own church???

or is there anyone else?




  1. Maybe Richard the Third since he seemingly killed so many people to get to the throne.  Of course there are some historians that blame Henry VII for the death of the two princes.

  2. King Henry VIII of England. He broke away from the Roman Catholic faith not for his own country or people, but for an ambitious lady-in-waiting Anne Boleyn who eventually became Queen of England. Only three years into their short-lived marriage, she was executed for treason, witchcraft and adultery. King Henry VIII was famous for having six wives where he executed two and divorced two, one died during childbirth and his last wife didn't get a chance to commit adultery too before he passed away (Following Henry's death on 28 January 1547, Catherine was able to marry her old love, Thomas Seymour).

    The main reason behind breaking away from the Roman Catholic faith to having six wives were simply because King Henry VIII wanted an legitimate male heir desperately.  Either way, the Tudor Dynasty still died out eventually when his second daughter Queen Elizabeth I passed away childless in 1603, but his new laws and policies as the supreme head of the Church in England survived until today.

  3. The Sun King--King Louis XiV.

  4. I’d say Richard III, last king from the House of York. His defeat at the Battle of Bosworth Field marked the culmination of the Wars of the Roses and the end of the Plantagenet dynasty. When is older brother, Edward IV died,  He briefly governed as regent for Edward's son King Edward V with the title of Lord Protector, but he placed Edward and his brother Richard in the Tower of London, murdered them/ had them murdered  and then acquired the throne for himself, being crowned on 6 July 1483.

    Althought Henry VIII might take the cake too.. He beheaded 2 of his wives just because they didn’t have male children. When in fact it was probably because he was obese that HE didn’t have more sons.

  5. Akhenaten was also called the Heretic King. He did not carry the title of the monarch, but rather of the Pharaoh.

    He changed the religion in ancient Egypt by trying to wipe out the belief in multiple gods and only recognizing one.

    After his death, Tutankhamun, who took over his throne changed the religion back to the original one.

    Akhenaten was definitely one of the most controversial characters in the history.

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