
Who do you dislike the most?

by  |  earlier

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this is for a school project

what country do you live in, and which country would you say on the whole you dislike the most?

(btw i'm talking bout people, attitude, tradition, stuff like that not stuff like weather)

thanks for your help.




  1. generally? victims, i find most victims to be shall we say distasteful, they've allowed their problems to beat them and turned whatever hurt them into something that can't be beaten but the worst to me is when they think they're the only ones in the world who suffer, if one can't keep moving one gets left behind

  2. i don't really hate people, I hate behaviours.  e.g crass and ill behaved people.

    Anyway, the country I dislike the most will be Saudi Arabia.  They are the most intolerant mofos in the planet..... yet they migrate to western countries and cry about their rights be infringed!  lol.

  3. Nobody and I would say that all the countries I know, I would like to learn more about.

  4. Sarah B

  5. the u s has become so mixed up on issues that shouldnt be a problem but are as in racism,sexism and cultures..would be nice if we all were just americans minus all the b/s that we have become...we are all americans and need to unite and be one....when 9/11 happened they didnt care what anyone was ,race,s*x nationality just as long as they killed americans...

  6. I'm with Tyree, I hate racists.


    London Curvy, hate individuals but don't hate all us Americans sista.

  7. I'm from the u.s.a and i can't really say i hate a country because I'm never been their to experience it. but i don't like the people from other countries that come over here to the u.s. with their racist views of certain people in this country.

  8. I'm from the USA and I'd have to say of the countries I have visited (Netherlands, Great Britain, Italy) compared to the US, I have come across more unfriendly people here(and I don't mean everyone)! As far as traditions, we are such a young country compared to the others I have visited, and we are the "melting pot" so all those come together here. I would love to continue traveling and learning about other countries as well!

  9. some ppl on here dislike me...but i aint got time to dislike peeps as they say time is money and i cud be doing some serious shopping need to get me some buff coat for winter lool...=]

    Edit: to fully answer your quesh errr america (whispers) some of the users are soO mean and rude....jeez.

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