
Who do you feel is to blame for the current state of the UK?

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yes folks we have ourselves to blaim




  1. No one person is to blame, but rather a number of contributing groups and factors:

    1. Margaret Thatcher

    2. People who don't vote

    3. The Monarchy, for taking huge sums of money during a world recession for doing nothing, setting a good example to the career dole earners!

    4. Consistent governments only interested in the power and money, rather than the actual people or country.

    5. The reverse invasion of the American imperialist empire, bring fast food, drugs, brainwashing TV, low grade politics, wide-scale privatisation and militarisation

  2. The people who are too lazy to vote, yet still complain when things go wrong.

    Think about it, if people are too apathetic to vote, then it more or less means that  they care little about their country. And a country whoe'se population  doesn't  care, will never progress.

  3. zzz311.

    DUH..!!!...Its the labour party been in power for the past 11 years.

    Whats Maggie got to do with it.?

    Labour party tax and spend policies has caused all the problems of today.

  4. The Government who would rather feed and cloth the world 'and it's brother' than look after it's own.

  5. Tony Blair,one and only premier of UK to ever get away with lying to Parliament of the worlds oldest democracy. Only if he had not taken us to war in Iraq oil prices would not be so high as a lot of fuel is used to fly the troops around in Iraq and home and to Iraq. Not to mention how much was wasted by tanks hanging around the streets of Iraq? So I guess he is the man who is to blame but Gordon Brown is going to pay for TB`s mistakes as he was the man who bank rolled the war, so he cannot escape paying the higher price. As TB has managed to get the job of bullshitting  the world even more by becoming peace envoy in Middle East by the way the man has not even managed to visit any Palestinian territory yet as it is not safe for him but it is safe enough for Obama. So the proof is in there somewhere.Peace envoy my b/side the man should be in Hague along with George W Bush.

  6. Penal that is prison system to the uninitiated among us plus lack of alternate currency. Commercial Air lines, cars. Demolition charges best to handle these. After people removed of course. Good Climate change plan if anyone cares.

  7. i feel that it is nobodies fault but our own, at least in the thatcher years Brit's stuck up for themselves and protested or rioted against decisions we didn't like, now unfortunately we have a big hoo haa about such things as fuel prices and inflation when it is first pushed to us, but then...after a while... we just accept it and forget about it, until another stupid decision is made by our clueless government and we just repeat the process, i wish someone would just stick up for us again, our government has proven that nothing can be solved politically.

  8. Well..... many people! the government isnt strict enough, i mean you can pretty much get away with anything in this country, and im a kid that is saying it.

  9. Richard Madeley

    ooh just wait till i get my hands on him......

  10. Rodney Trotter, little mare

  11. margaret thatcher

  12. not who, but what....

    "pie in the sky" liberalism.

  13. "But again, if truth be told... if you are looking for the guilty, you need only look in the mirror."

    The British are to blame for the current state of OUR country.

    We elected in the Labour Party, and, im my opinion thats where it all went down hill.

    There are many other factors and past events that have led to the downfall of the UK and many of them are our own doing.

  14. How?

    When it was just blunders and slip-ups with human errors with self lack of knowledge created back in the past in our youth without being aware of it being exposed in time after the mystery of us-911.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    So why not come up with a solution?

    In solving the mess out there?

    Instead of complaint, complaint, complaint all day long?

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  15. Stand up Gordon Brown and take a bow!

    You've taken everything else!

  16. America, both the embarrassment of riches and everything falling apart now.  That's how the system works, great big cycles of boom and bust and we bought into it just like everyone else.

  17. Knife-wielding politicians who cut the budgets of all the socially important organisations and spend our taxes on things like the Olympic Games.

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