
Who do you hate on the "The Hills" Show?

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I watch "The Hills" show on MTV and wanted to see who you hate & who you like on the show?

Please explain why you don't like them or why you do like them.

I can't stand "Spencer" he is a douche bag and Hedi is his dog that he drags around on a leash. (Pull the bloody chain)

I like Whitney on the show she is the only one who seems normal and not f up.




  1. I hate the entire show!!

  2. im wit zainah

    em ppl STUPID!!!

  3. ughh

    i hate Lo (I think thats her name. shes the roommate with Lauren and Audrina)

    holy geez. she really really gets on my nerves. she is SO annoying and she's so mean to Audrina.

    and i absolutely cant stand Spencer. seriously...did you see what he said to Stephanie? it was so messed up. and how he has so much control of Heidi its so sickening. blahh.

    but i really like Whitney because like you said, she's like the only one who seems normal. haha for now. i guess we'll have to see.

    and i like Audrina too because she's not all in your face all the time. she's just kinda there and doesn't expect much. but at the same time she's not afraid to say what's on her mind. Lauren's alright too.

    and whats up with that Doug guy? haha




  4. I don't watch that.

    Watch South Park!

  5. Yeah that show is pure waste. Just like the network....

  6. Omg I'm so with you on that one... spencer is so f**king annoying!!! I can't stand him... and hedi is stupid too... and I like whitney to and Adrina too... Man I'm so mad I missed todays episode... I'll just watch it tomorrow  

  7. i dont watch that show

  8. I HATE SPENCER!!!!!! i hate him!!!!!! I dont really watch it too often but when i do spencer is such a a******!!  I like Lauren cuz she doesnt seem bit**y. Brody is cute<3

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