
Who do you hate?

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  1. Not one single solitary person and it feels wonderful. There are plenty of peole I wouldn't sit next to on a bus but that's as far as it goes.

    We liberals are just so infuriating aren't we?

  2. No Hates.   I Love , not hate.

  3. I don't hate anyone. Not even my mother in law.

    Isn't it interesting that the right is always accusing the left of being haters? Judging by the answers given to this question, it's pretty obvious that the truth is that they are the haters.

    It's a good thing that most people are intelligent enough to understand that they do not represent everyone with conservative views.

  4. Liberals

    They seem to be dumb as doorknobs and continue to vote.

  5. No one. It's a great feeling. xox

  6. Brit mil.

  7. 1. OBL... *ALL* Islamic Jihadist, loony Leftist that are so consumed with hate that they will sell out this country.

    2. They all threaten my safety and way of life.

  8. No one Quiet.

    Hate has over the centuries been responsible for most international conflict.

    Dislike- now that's a different story but hate, never.

  9. Anybody who runs their mouth and speaks about things they have no idea about and do not want to hear opinions fro the other side.

    That means every far right and far left pundit out there who thinks that just because somebody belongs to a particular political group is a sworn enemy and should not be listened to or taken seriously.

    That also means every actor, singer, and general socialite who has never lived a normal day in their life working an actual job and never plans to but yet feels compelled to tell me what I should do with my vote and money.

  10. pretty much everyone in the Democratic Party on the state level and above..its not a rabid hate but more like a detest thing

  11. Lorraine Kelly because she so up her guests @rse and insists on saying ......Oh thats fab, great, We love/like  that, great, you look fab, great, great, fab, your great, I have one of those they are great........... *kicks desk* wishing it was her!!!!

  12. I don't particularly hate anybody.

    However, I do have a problem with people who just want to stir up trouble, further fragment the country or the world.

  13. The eu.


    tony blair.


  14. Hate is a very strong emotion.  There are people that I would rather not be around but, I don't hate anyone. Dislike & hate are two different things.  If I dislike someone, I don't get involved with them to the point of actually hating them.  Race, religion, political affiliations nor sexual preference have no bearing on my feelings toward others.

  15. Nobody, I'm not a liberal.

    I do dislike several liberal politicians. I dislike the current path Russia appears to be on. I dislike China's military buildup and support of anti-Western nations. I dislike the UN, actually really dislike, but not quite hate.

  16. I`m afraid hate is too strong a word as I don`t hate anyone.there may be a few I dislike,not many,but it`s just their facial features-by that I mean just their looks and I don`t seem yo tune into them.crazy eh!!!

  17. Tony Blair.  becouse he lied to the people of Briton and sold them down the river.  he commited treason! in that he lied to the Queen and the people and sent us into an illegal war based on those lies.  he caused the death of thousands of people based on those lies.  and then he walked free!! into a well paid job that was the ultimate insult to the muslim world.   an ambassador for peace in the middle east.   you couldnt write that stuff could you.

  18. Gynecologist Turkeys who perform gynecological exams on Rosie O' I really have to phuckin' explain why?   She's A PHUCKIN' MESS.

  19. Hardcore loyalists, the Brit military and government.

  20. The far left loons in the U.S.!  Because they pose a grave danger to the stability of our great nation.
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