
Who do you hate the most, cyclists, bus drivers, old slow drivers or taxi drivers?

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Who do you hate the most, cyclists, bus drivers, old slow drivers or taxi drivers?




  1. bus drivers

    My car was in the shop inn Rochester New York. I took the bus to work At Kodak Park. The bus stopped to pick someone up and when he pulled out, he cut a car off. He watched out his mirror as we heard the cars brakes squealing, then a crash. The bus driver smiled and kept going.

    I moved to Maryland. I was driving the rental truck with a car on the trailer behind. The wife was driving my car. She is not use to driving, especially in traffic. As I took off from a light, a  bus cut her off and pulled in behind me. I drove five miles per hour for over a mile. He kept honking the horn.

  2. Hi,

    Stolen car drivers!x

  3. Bus drivers. They drive like they own the road. I once saw the aftermath of a wreck where a bus ran over the trunk of a Honda Civic in the HOV lane.

    I've also had these same buses force me off the road while I'm waiting to complete a yield left turn at a very narrow (only room for ONE car to enter and complete a left turn) intersection that I must use to get home. I was forced to drive onto the grassy median on the opposite side (where the bus started from) at this intersection instead of completing my left because the stupid bus driver entered the intersection when I was already there waiting for traffic to clear. The bus nearly hit my car.

  4. the slow and don't have to be Old it could be any age the Ones that drive 10 MPH under the speed limit when you really need to get somewhere. There is never a problem when you have time to kill. But there is always some Idot driving slow when you are pressed for time.

  5. old slow driver.

  6. old slow drivers, round here when im coming to work you go from a 30 zone to a 60 zone and they tootle thru the 30 zone at 20 mph then go up to a whole 25mph after that, its 9 miles from my house to work early in a morning when theres no grannies around i can do it in 8 minutes, but when i do a late shift i have to leave 45 minutes early :/


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