
Who do you hate the most?

by  |  earlier

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Celebrity, enemies, "friends"...who?? and why?




  1. rude loud people oh and angelina jolie, i cant stand her i wish she would just drop dead

  2. nicole kidman

    the jonas brothers

    anyone who works at disney

    jessica simpson

    my aunt

    my cousin

    the fat lady who always eats pies and is really mean to everyone

    and i hate one of my old friends(thankyou melisssa)

  3. i hate my apartment it is falling apart the toilet wont work and the people downstairs house smells so bad i can smell it up here and i cant afford to move.    

  4. People @_@

    Go Go Misanthropy!  

  5. i hate anyone who licks  pinis !!!

    coz i dont have one!!!

    when i was seven a g*y call for help i ran to him but after helping him he opened my zepper and l**k my pinis and then give me some dollars i ran away crying

    because of hatred to g**s and to prevent it from happening again i chop my pinis off and feed it to gasyong my pet dog

    now no one can l**k to my pinis ever again

    i just cant imagine how angry i had been i did'nt even notice that i lost one off my eggs i look for it and i saw the g*y who l**k my pinis chewing one of my eggs oh!!! god im so miserable i hurry to get some of it from the g*y but its to late

    months later a girl come to me and said can you **** me  and i said its my playsure!!

    but when i open my zepper she saw my c**k without my pines  she said oh **** you're c**k is shy i come back tommorrow

    i have nohting now

    even girls hate me coz i dont have  a pinis

    htey also  made some alias for me



    c**k capless

    and thas insane!!!

    i lost my pines and one off my precious egg!!!!

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