
Who do you hope will win the gold - in reality?

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I would love England to win it but its unlikely. HOWEVER I really do hope CHINA wins the Olympics just to see the crush of American arrogance which has dominated more than true sportsmanship. Many sports events have been boring recently like F1 when one team or person dominates its good to have a hard fight and it makes the winner appreciate their status more. China is good for America, it shows there is another formidable power out there to compete with. The world may again return to looking at self improvements rather than blaming and arrogance that is today's American culture.




  1. I hope Britain come last and the USA get disqualified, remember a little country called Ireland? 3 golds in the ladies swimming who filed the complaints? thats right the USA backed up by her ****** Britain.  Both couldn't stand the thought of being beaten by a superior athlete so they demanded a drug test.  I wouldnt be suprised if phelps has more fish hormone than human.  

  2. The good ole USA!

    Every patriot should cheer for his/her own country. Are you Chinese?

  3. USA USA USA USA USA USA USA...f*** China

  4. In which discipline?  Your question is a bit ambiguous.

  5. Why all the America bashing?  Once again, your assumptions are misguided.  There have always been countries competing with the US for top spot at the Olympics.  In winter, consider Norway, Germany, Sweden, Russia, Ukraine.   In summer, consider Australia, China, Russia, Germany.  What planet have you been on?

    "Arrogance" in sports is common to many cultures.  After all, it was a non-American athlete that was stripped of his medal today for bad sportsmanship.  Or didn't you notice that?

  6. Although competitors are selected by country the listing of medals won is unofficial and not sanctioned by the I.O.C.

    It goes against the spirit of Baron Pierre de Coubertin, the originator of the modern Olympics.  

  7. The UK simply does not have the heterogeneity that the US has and the population and resources to go with it.

  8. actually we americans care more about our football basketball and baseball more so than the Olympics.  Do we follow it and do we hope we win of course, but not that big a deal compared to america's sports within..

  9. it seems you are not proud to be an american and does not wish to live in this great country, the athletes are athletes how dare you want them to lose over politics

  10. I agree with u.....its about time the Americans realised that there is a world beyond its own shores

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