
Who do you know that eats fast food everyday or at least almost everyday?

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The last time I ate at Burger King was over two weeks ago. I love the Whopper! I have a salad for breakfast and lunch and a regular dinner. I am in the army so I get mandatory exercise 4 times a week and what ever I do on my own. BTW, skinny people can have clogged arteries and still be skinny despite eating fast food and other fatty foods everyday.




  1. me

  2. You need to run a lot and exercise, food is food. Fat people don't really eat too much, they just aren't active enough. You can diet and diet, you're just starving yourself. Moving your body will do you a lot more.

  3. Mr. Fatty O'Greasychin

  4. I do. 5"7, 140 lbs. Healthy & fit.

  5. I know alot of people that eat fast food every day. Regardless of their weight, fast food will kill you quicker than crack!

  6. I do

  7. My friends sister eats Macdonald's every day and she is the skinniest person i know. its crazy!  

  8. i think i know myself and im only 5'6 120

  9. Morgan Spurlock

  10. My hubby and I used to, but we gained tons of weight. So now we don't.

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