
Who do you like better? Yankees or Red Sox?

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I know this is a question I ask a lot but I just wanna no ur opinion.

I prefer yankees, but i would never trash the red sox. People who do that are low lifes in my opinion. tell me yours.




  1. I like the Red Sox a lot more. I don't like the Yankees at all though.

    No offense to you, but the reason I don't like the Yankees is because they try to buy Wins and World Series. The reason I say that is because they give not so good players ridiculous amounts of cash or they trade for players and keep them for one season.

    Like last year, they give Roger Clemens, correct me if I'm wrong, over 5 mil for like 18 starts, or not even starts bullpen appearances, that just gets me a little mad when the Marlins and a couple states down and only have a 20 mil payroll, and A-rod can pay all of the teams saleries, and ave money to spare.

    But no disrespect to the players and fans, I just don't like how the GM is, getting rid of Joe Torre? That was stupid of them. Now they are struggleing, wonder why? And with all that money to spend on players, they haven't won a world series in 10 years.

    So no disrespect o you, I just don't like the Yankees.

  2. yankees

  3. I must say yankees even though i despise both of them. i guess the yankees are less of a threat to the indians.  

  4. I'm a Boston Red Sox fan. So I like the Red Sox much better.

  5. Yankees, from New York, my team, my life. SOX SUX!

  6. They both suck.

  7. Yankees. I don't like the red sox at all. Thats just my opinion!

  8. Red Sox

  9. The sox. after aquiring jason bay and getting rid of manny they can focus on the pennant. the yankees. have to many problems with injuries in the rotation and bullpen.  

  10. No question Red Sox - I live in Dallas so although I love the Yankee baseball history, I am not a fan of the Yankees in any manner.

    And the Sox are just cool anyway

  11. i like the yankess better. the red soxs have a lot more fans because they are better then the yankess now a long time ago there were a lot more yankess fans when they were good. people only like the good teams.

  12. yanks!!!!!

  13. its fun trashing yankees :P  Yankee suck just kidding.

    there good team But i perfer red sox since i am a fair of them.

  14. Texas Rangers because all those great young bats on the Rangers will be future Red Sox and Yankees in a few years, because they have the best teams money can buy ya know!!!!

  15. Keep asking the same question and sooner or later, some thinking person will figure out that you are abusing YBA and report you. You are kidding right, or are you just somewhat confused?

    Neither team, should be the "Logical" answer. However, here at YBA, we don"t deal in either "logic" and/or its twin "rational thought" so you and your "puerile" questions are safe  

  16. I prefer the Red Sox

  17. Well, I'm a Dodger fan so I would LIKE to see the Yankees play the Dodgers in the World Series. It'd be another great classic between two old rivalry.  

  18. redsox  

  19. Ive been a Yankee fan for a long time.

    I absolutely despise the SAWX and everything about them. Dont call me a low life for it either.

  20. yanks thnx for 2 points

  21. i like the boston redsox mainly because the yankees always knocked out the twins in the playoffs  

  22. Yankees all the way!!! However, in recent years, I have noticed more Red Sox fans, than there used to be....hmmm.....

  23. I prefer the Red Sox. Good job for not bashing the other team. I hate when people do that.  

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