
Who do you like better on Lost Ben or Juliet?

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Who do you like better on Lost Ben or Juliet?




  1. I LOVE LOST!! Um, You know, i like Both because Julet is BEATUTIFUL! I LOVE her hair and she is very cool and tottaly can just knock you out like that. and ben is very very mysterios you never no what he is gonna say...


  2. i would choose ben cause i still cant trust juliet...not saying ben is so much better in that department...but ya

  3. wow this is a tough one, I never trusted ben and for a long time I didn't trust juliet, I still don't know if I can. but now she is in love with jack which will free kate to be with mm? I guess I need to know what you mean by "better" in what respect? as actors they are both very good but I like ben I think he's the better actor, bug eyes and all. as characters playing a roll I like juliet, but its hard to tell who's side she is really on. in the looks department juliet wins hands down. the whole ben, juliet, jack love triangle is interesting. I wonder how that is going to play out? in the end I guess I enjoy watching ben more because of his acting and the cunning ways of his character.

  4. Ben.

    He may be a nerd...but he's a bad *** nerd.  He knows things......and somehow controls the smoke monster.

    Plus, he's funny.

  5. I love lost and choosing between Ben and Juliet is hard but i would have to choose Ben.  Because he is so cunning and you never really know what side he is on.  I feel like he has the island best intrest in mind but doesnt care about the people he cares about Jacob and what he says.  But then there is something about him the way he acts and lets people push him around somewhat to get what he want as he always does in the end.  When his daughter got killed you saw a differnt side of him almost like he wished he could take it back, like the only thing he cared about was taking away.  Just like Juliet, who loves Jack and sacrificed everything.  All in all i like both but Ben wins it for me!!

  6. Juliet because she can beat anyone up. Ben is always getting punched around.

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