
Who do you like more Jeff Gordon or Jimmie Johnson? Why?

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Who do you like more Jeff Gordon or Jimmie Johnson? Why?




  1. strangely enough, gordon seems to have more personality than jimmie (not a tough feat there), but on the track the past couple of years, i like jimmie's driving style better - especially when he's bumpin' and bangin' with gordon...

  2. They're my 2nd and 3rd favorite drivers, and I'm picking Jeff. He's got one of the best personalities in NASCAR when it comes to complementing other drivers. Jimmie's got a good personality too, but he doesn' compliment anyone like Jeff does. No one in NASCAR does. When I saw how much more support Jr. was getting from Johnson than Gordon, I thought about it. I still like Jeff better though.

  3. Neither , but what does it matter.

  4. I like them both equally. I see nothing to dislike, they are both excellent drivers and decent men.

  5. Equal for me.

  6. I like both driver but prefer Jeff Gordon because he was my fav driver even before Jimmy joined NASCAR

  7. I like Jimmie better. He seems like the type of guy that will get along with anybody. You always see him in the background of interviews congratulating the winning driver, or you hear about him making phone calls to other drivers to congratulate them. He can race hard when it counts, or lay back when it doesn't, and is smart enough to know the difference. He seems to have a bit more of a personality this year too, lol.

  8. Jimmie Johnson. Because he drives like Tony Stewart

  9. If I just have to pick i guess I like Jimmy more because I dislike Gordon more...

  10. I like Gordon better... he's accomplished more in his career than Johnson, although Johnson may pass him one day.  However, I like Chad Knaus better than Steve LeFart.

  11. A couple years ago, I would have bashed the c**p outta them both. They are both talented drivers in great cars. Since Gordon shoved Kenseth at Bristol (last year or year before), he has really changed his attitude. He speaks better now then he did before hand. It's not poor Gordon this or poor Gordon that. I have seen a change for the better. As for Johnson he is a great driver that landed a great ride. His ethic's (along with Knaus) came into question alot with grey area rules. With this COT car the rules are seeming to be black and white for now so speak. So the ethics thing hasn't come into question. I am not fan of either but d**n it they are good on the race track, and in this sport that is what really matters.

  12. Jimmie, by a long shot. Never was a Gordon all.

    I've never heard Jimmie "whine", "complain", or blame others when he some here have said....?

    I did gain a little respect for Gordo when he roughed up Kenseth, though he should have taken his helmet off first..

  13. gordon and i really don like him

  14. I  like Jimmie better. He doesn't whine.

  15. i like them equally and dislike them equally both are good drivers both know how to win and have multiple championships... both of them whine and complain and blame others for their wrecks, jimmie cheated and won several times and all they do is take his crew chief for a couple of weeks and nothing really taught them anything, jeff gordon just complained and whined way too much more so than jimmie

  16. Don't really care for pretty boys racing. What ever happened to the butt-ugly crowd, Earnhardt, Spencer, Yarborough, Gant, Petty, Bonnett, Parsons ? Racing was racing then, not this homoganized pre-packaged beauty pagent GQ c**p they call racing today. Closest thing to real racing today is the truck series. Cup is like watching paint dry most of the time because NASCAR chooses pretty packaging versus quality racing. One of these half little girls gets bumped on the track and they get out and cry, Cale would get out and punch you in the nose.

  17. I have to say I like Gordon more.... But a couple days ago I would have said Jimmie. After seeing Jimmie pushing Gordon at NHMS. NHMS is a pretty good track. I was there over the weekend.

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