
Who do you like most here in Yahoo answer ?

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Who do you like most here in Yahoo answer ?




  1. What do you mean by who?  There are thousands of people on here answering and asking questions every minute.  I don't like rude people, people who swear, or those who use shortcuts in typing like "h8" instead of "hate".  there was one dim whit who was typing in caps and lower case letters throughout the question.  Those kind of people just annoy me to no end.

  2. everyone from my contact list;)

  3. If you find people you like add them to Friend List.

  4. Dont know

  5. You can state your opinion on controversial topics and not get negative feedback from it from anyone unless you get too rude and get flagged. Its fun to help people out. Its neat to get your questions answered immediately.

  6. My whole contact list on Yahoo answer.  I could not possibly pick just one.  :o(

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