
Who do you love more your mum or your dad??

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Who do you love more your mum or your dad??




  1. Some people just can't decide.

  2. I love them both equally they showed me love in two different way.

    I would like to hear your answer.

  3. BOTH. :)

  4. I LOVE both but ...My mum a bit more

  5. depends

    they are mean  

  6. my mum for sure

  7. my mom a girl

    my dad doesn't understand me as much as she does

  8. how would YOU answer that? would you say,"My parents are treated equally from my opinion, or,"My mom/dad died,or  ,"My mom/dad is the best!

    either way, i would say equally(part not i like my mom more)

  9. I love both of my parents to death, there's no way I could choose between them.  

  10. both.  

  11. i lost my dad when i was two years old,my mom was my evrything i loved her  

  12. This is silly - I love them both in different ways, as they love me in their own unique ways. Family relationships, as others relationships, are dynamic, and change with life, but I know that the love is always there.

  13. Well..

    (I'm Female)

    Mom: I love my mom cause she's always there for girlie things, like shopping (my dad has no patience)

    But on the other hand:

    Dad: I love my dad cause, he takes me amazing places like adventure parks and football.

    But i couldn't really decide, i love them equally. =]

  14. That's too hard!

  15. Since I don't have a mum, my Dad wins out of that question.

    But my mother is a pretty awesome lady and I love both my parents about equally..

  16. iit kind of depends because my dad is a dunk and wen he gets drunk he acts like a ******. then when my momz beh gettin on my nerves he comes and steps in for me. so i say both 50/50

  17. My mother. My father is a deadbeat.

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