
Who do you plan to vote for in the presidential election and why?

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Who do you plan to vote for in the presidential election and why?




  1. Sarah Palin -- I'm just taking McCain as collateral damage.

    My paycheck and my firearms will be unmolested if she is in power.

  2. I'll be voting for McCain.  I can't vote for Obama because I believe he is a socialist.  He may not state it openly but his plans for his presidency and his voting record in the senate show me that he will bring to much government control and interference into our lives, plus, there is no way he can implement his policies without raising taxes on everyone, not just those he considers to be 'rich'.   When the democrats drive the socialists and extremists out of their party, then I will be able to consider their candidates.  McCain isn't who I would choose if I could choose anyone, but he's better than Obama by far.

  3. McCain / Palin... Obama and Biden want to destroy the rights that so men and women before them died defending, like the 2nd Amendment.

  4. Obama because he'll take us into the future instead of back to the 1800's.

  5. Bob Barr, he is the closest to a real Republican running.

  6. Obama because McCain will turn the supreme court into a conservative majority and we will have all these wacko religous people coming out of the wood work!

  7. I vote for Charlie Brown


  8. O8AMA because republicans are stupid Americans... proof below!!!

  9. Obama/Biden

    Obama stands for what I believe in, and he's the best thing that happend to this country since Kennedy.

  10. OBAMA

    1. the economy is american's top concern, but not mccains obviously.

    2. mccain will invest substantially less in alternative fuel research than obama will.

    3. obama and biden are better equipped to handle foreign relation issues.

    4. obama recognizes the need to keep jobs in american and strengthen the middle class.

    5. democrats in general, including obama, recognize the importance of giving our youth the best educations out there.

    6. obama is pro-choice and pro-civil union- obama knows the real meaning separation of church and state.

    7. obama, though a religious man himself, doesn't believe religion should be taught to our children in public schools.

    8. obama will end tax breaks for the wealthy and put resulting funds to proper use- such as improving our health and science departments.

    9. obama will address the climate crisis on a global level.

    10. obama is not a republican.

  11. wow, gool....that's some really scary info you put out there...

    Now that explains why college students, professors and educated persons see Obama differently from those whose IQs are 'in the red zone'

    (pun intended)

  12. McCain-Palin.

    I would actually vote Palin over Obama for President as well.  The republicans have two candidates more qualified and better for America than anything the democrats have on their ticket.

  13. I would vote for the candidate that supports universal health care, decreases in military spending, a candidate that doesn't think it is the right for the US to intervene militarily around the world. Doesn't support unfettered capitalism... supports full rights for all citizens, that takes serious the environmental impact of a constant growth economy, a candidate that supports the right of Palestinians to not live under occupation, Venezuelans rights to choose their own form of government ...

    so i will vote for no one, of course!

  14. John McCain-  

    why?  Because I really like Sarah Palin's ability to tear into people even in her own party for acting in a corrupt manner.  She's tough but not to the point of lesbianism.  The other reason is that I'm hopeful that after both are inaugurated, John McCain takes up pretzel eating as a hobby so that Palin takes over the White House.  

  15. McCain.

    I agree with his stance on the war and environmental issues.

    Plus OLD is better than STUPID.

  16. Obama

  17. Obama and Biden.  I think Obama and McCain are about even in my estimation.  I like aspects of both candidates' platforms.  However, I think Biden is much, much better than Palin.  After researching some of the policies supported by Palin, I don't think I can ever bring myself to vote for her, even if she will only be vice president.



    OBAMA '08

  20. For one more time, in my opinion what I plan to do is none of your business.

    And, as must be self-evident, when it comes to what I will or will not tell you about my plans and intentions, it's my opinion that counts, not yours.  

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