
Who do you prefer Hillary Clinton or Sarah Palin?

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PTA president Sarah Palin has NOTHING on Hillary Clinton. Clinton has accomplished so much and makes women proud. Sarah Palin was the mayor of a town of 5,000 and is for everything that Hillary is against. McCain slapped Hillary Clinton supporters in their face by choosing Sarah Palin. That is my opinion. What is yours? Hillary or Sarah Palin?




  1. Hilary

  2. Palin has done a lot for Alaska. She's stood up to corruption and made a lot of positive changes. I like both of them and I think even Hillary is proud of Palin.

    I was hoping Hillary was picked for VP. I really like her, but unfortunately, Obama doesn't like her at all!

  3. Okay. There are some things I need to tell you.

    1)  DONT VOTE FOR MCAIN. Mcain ONLY met Palin 2-3 times before he selected her. He doesn't even know her!!

    2) She got a seat in congress 2006!!, HIllary?? 2000!! So what year is it now???? 2008?? only TWO YEARS IN CONGRESS??

    3)she has NO EXPERIENCE

    4) NOTHING LIKE HILLARY. she is AGASINT abortion. so i have NO CLUE why women are considering voting for her. Let me emphasize this. Palin said even if her DAUGTER got raped and got impregnated. she would STILL not let her get an abortion. Dont beleive me?

    here is a website that sums up the difference between Hillary and Palin. You can message them and they will give you more in depth answers/sources


  4. Hillary Clinton - at least she has REAL experience!

  5. Sarah Palin has a military family and is a true conservative.  Hillary Clinton is a radical left-wing progressive, and an arrogant and narcissistic sociopath.

    I don't see how Hillary Clinton makes women proud.  It's quite the opposite, she proves that women are just as capable of being corrupt scumbags when it comes to politics as men are.  She is a disgrace to the advancement of women in politics.

    I'm going to have to go with Sarah Palin.

  6. Arrogance provided by the DNC.

  7. Sarah Palin - This way the first elected woman from America will be smoking HOT!

  8. Anyone, Democrat or Republican, who thinks that Governor Palin was chosen "simply" because she's a woman deserves to have their butts handed to them, as Senator Biden will in the VP debate.

    Gov. Palin has a history of attacking establishment figures head-on, and defeating them. The best place outside of D.C. in which to do this is Alaska, where politics have become more calcified than almost anywhere else in the country. Her political resume includes sweeping out both a mayor and a governor in serious reform bids each time. If John McCain's only message this year was "reform in Washington", then Palin would be the perfect running mate.

    As far as shoring up his evangelical base, as many have noted that McCain needs to do, Palin is also an excellent choice. She's a credible pro-life and pro-family feminist, who was given the choice to terminate her last pregnancy when it was discovered that her son would be born with Down Syndrome. Although 9/10's of women elect to have an abortion in those cases, Palin kept her child, which has been an inspiration to women and families across the country.

    As far as her symbolic appeal goes, she represents far more than just women in the GOP. She, as well as Governor Jindal of Louisiana and even Governor Pawlenty of Minnesota, represents a new breed of Republican in this country. They are the next generation, free of any taint from Washington and especially President Bush. They remind us that "the future" doesn't just belong to the Democrats, but to all Americans.

  9. Sarah is a brilliant selection. We finally have a REAL Conservative to vote for.  

  10. Christine writes:

    I am a true-blue Hillary supporter, but I am sure Hillary did not mean to put 18 million cracks in the glass ceiling so that a pro-life, pro-gun, home-schooling nobody from the frozen tundra of Alaska could slide in.  

  11. Sarah has 5 kids, Hilary only 1.  Sarah wins.  She has managed a bigger family, and a big state...have you seen Alaska?  It's huge!  

  12. I am not a big fan of Hillary because of I don't agree with her hawkish, neoliberal politics and because she is dishonest, but I do think she is better than Sarah Palin.  Sarah Palin is completely devoted to the interests of the world's wealthiest corporations, and her policies are bad for women (and men, but women even more so).  She is not even pro-choice, never mind a supporter of the kind of employment and health care policies women and their families very much need.  She is just as bad as John McCain in every way.

    I would have been happier with a Hillary Clinton presidency than I would be with a McCain/Palin administration.  Let's hope the latter never comes to be.

  13. of course, hillary clinton.

    a much stronger candidate, who stands for a party which actually is trying to empower women and all other groups.

    simply putting a woman in a position by choice, does not mean you are empowering women. this is actually kind of an insult, because he thinks women are that low to simply vote for him just because he was a woman.  

  14. I prefer Hillary. He only chose her to get votes Its obvious

  15. It is insulting.  It was an act of desperation.  The fact of the matter is there are no women to choose from as Governors or Senators in the Republican party, the only other possibility would have been Liddy, and she is the same age as McCain. Because of their disdain for women, this act of desperation is a form of appeasement in hope that women would forget the record and overlook.  But there has been no woman with John MCcain throughout his campaign  - And she had better not be over 55 cause John McCain get's rid of old ugly women.

  16. Hillary. Sarah Palin cannot hold a candle to HRC.

  17. Palin's "...articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking..."

    AND CHANGE NOT another Lawyer!

  18. Hillary,   Palin's record isn't that great.  Alaska has had the slowest job growth in years under her watch.

  19. I'm impressed that he could slap them all in the face at once. In fact, I'm kinda envious.

  20. to me is Hilary all the way

  21. Hillary. Palin can run a city with 9,000 people in it. big whoop. alaska is the least populated state. i loved how the campaign guy for mccain didn't even know how to pronounce her name when asked about her. he also gave a "whatever" look. check it out on youtube.  

  22. Sarah Palin

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