
Who do you prefer Light or Near in Death Note and why?

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Who do you prefer Light or Near in Death Note and why?




  1. I actually prefer Near over Light. Towards the end of the series Light just went all crazy with power and even though it was L's death that brought Near to figure out who Kira was if it hadn't been for him Light would have proably still been writing away names in the Death Note.


  2. I guess I prefer Light since I can understand him better. Near is harder to understand and more mysterious to me.

  3. i havent read it bt the series sound a lot ppl seem 2 b soo in2 it, so i think ill try it

  4. light is my favorite DN char cos hes smart and interesting, and hes determined to do what he sees as right

  5. I prefer light over near because Near is kinda creepy and can't compeat with l and lights rivalry.  

  6. I prefer L above all else but as he dies, i gues id side with near since he follows the same sense of justice as L woo hoo. light's just a crazy psycho with the power to kill and get away with it. but both their sense of justice and reasons are even, they had their way of doing things to "help" the world.

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