
Who do you prefere Zara Philips or Ellen Whitaker?

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Who do you prefere Zara Philips or Ellen Whitaker? i way prefere Zara, not because she is royal or anything but because she is way more real than Ellen. Anyways who do you prefere?





  1. I will take --Whitaker any day

    I like people who do it everyday !!

    not just pay to have a  perfect push button horse and some talent ..

  2. You did more than put this in the wrong place- you are also asking about the wrong sports. Ellen Whitaker is a show jumper, and Zara Phillips is an Eventer- and the sports are completely different. It's not fair to make comparisons between these two competitors, because they belong to different worlds and come from different places. Zara Phillips was born into riding- literally- and so was Whitaker. Both these riders have had advantages which are way beyond what any ordinary person might get- but from what I have seen, neither has let this go to her head. I favor neither rider, but I admire both of them, and their famous parents and families. I also like Phillippa Funnell, who is in no way related to either of these two.

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