
Who do you rate the highest out of Del Potro, Nishikori, Gulbis, and Cilic?

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As in who do you think has the greatest potential.

I know alot of you will say Del Potro based on his results but:

Nishikori - only 18 and just had a huge win over Ferrer. More importantly he didn't fall to pieces mentally, showing great maturity. Unfortuantly, he seemed burnt out against Del Potro in the 4th round.

Del Potro - had an amazing tournament streak but where has he been for the rest of the year? Big serve, big forehand, but return and backhand lacking slightly.

Cilic - has a fantastic return, big forehand that can go AWOL, solid backhand, and moves suprisingly well for a tall guy. Mentally seems a little unstable, but played an amazing match against Djokovic and outplayed him for much of it.

Gulbis- the one with the consistancy. Talked about all year, the guy has had pretty good results all year round. Absolutly screaming forehand that either goes for a winner or into the crowd, and similar serve. Backhand is shaky, but shows promise in his volleying. Will pull an absolutely huge upset soon I am sure (I've made a predication but won't say... I'll get slaughtered)

So yeah... what do you guys think? And why?




  1. 1- ernest gulbis (he's a rough diamant).-

    2- marin cilic (oh my, the fourth set against djoko was amazing)

    3- juan martin del potro (he's acomplished a lot, and considering the us open results, he should be 1, since he's the only of the four that's in quarters, but i don't really like his game)

    4- kei nishikori

  2. 1. Del Potro-already 4 titles

    2.Nishikori-Only 18

    3.Gulbis-Good Player

    4.Cilic-Good but nothing huge

  3. 1. gulbis

    2. nishikori

    3. del potro

    4. cilic

    where is nadal? the kid is only 22!

  4. I'll choose Del Potro, and then Gulbis as a close second! Del Potro's had an amazing season this year, and like everybody predicted, he's doing well at the US Open. He's really young and talented. I hope he breaks into the top 10 soon!

    Gulbis has incredible potential! This year has been GREAT for him. I love this guy!

    Young players are doing really well these days. The future of tennis looks great! :)

  5. Great Question J'Adore!!!

    Gulbis would be number one on my list as the future players of tomorrow. I feel like he is the one with the most talent that will help him to the top ten.

    Del Potro has been around for a while and he is only 19 still, the guy has seen his fair share of ups and downs, but I feel like he is just about now ready to turn that corner in his career and push his game to a higher level. If he continues like this, he is definitely top 5 potential and perhaps will be the next dominant player in the men's game.

    Cilic and Nishikori are two fresh faces to the tour that has made a big splash this year. While they both have a lot of talent now that can take them to top of the men's game, I feel that their inexperience will halt their quick rise to the top. They are both young and new to the tour. We have seen many players like them in the past who make a big splash one year, and then they just fade away the very next year, because the rest of the field knows who they are and have figured out their game. I expect both to go through a rough period like this for the next year and a half, and then we can safely judge how great they are.

    Remember Del Potro was billed as the next big thing when he first came around and then it took him 2 1/2 years before his talent materialize. Every player goes through that rough patch early on in their careers before they take their game to the next level, but it should be remembered that only the truly great players are able to accomplish this.  

  6. gulbis for me has greatest potential. although people have been talking about his immaturity when it comes to concentration and focus, so i guess he should work on that, but overall i like how he plays, serves big, volleys pretty well too, forehand and backhand are really good, but prone to a lot unforced errors. like his match against roddick, i really thought he was gonna win that, up a set and 3-0 on the second set, but his errors really crept up, i think it was 69! although winners were 70.

    i also like cilic, the way he played against nole was surprising really, i mean, sure he won new haven but i thought nole would just breeze through him, so i think this guy's good, considering his height, he moves really well, good footwork.

  7. For me it has to be Del Potro. I have followed his progress since he played Nadal at the French in 07. He has developed rapidly and is already #17 in the world and in the quarters if the US. The Murray v Juan Martin match will be intreguing to say the least!

    Gulbis is another really talented player, Big serve and good game but I fear he will lack that edge when it comes to competing week in week out at the top.

    Cilic has unbelievable touch but I think he is the same as Gulbis-Lacking a bit of edge. We have seen in players like Gasquet that without that extra qualities needed to succeed, Really talented players never achieve what their talents should take them.

    As for Nishikori, I know very little about him so I haven't much to say about him at the moment. But from what I saw at the US he is a really talented player.

    I think Del Potro.

  8. firstly this question is a really interesting and at the same time, difficult question to answer.

    when u talk about potential, i would go with both gulbis and cilic.

    whenever i read about gulbis i feel that he has a great game but lacks the seems that he does not trust himself to win a match.

    cilic is a great player. great serve and good groundstrokes, and i read that his movement is really good considering he is a tall guy.

    nishikori has been amazing in the us open and still needs some time for development,though as u said he has a good mentality.

    as for del potro, he is on this amazing run and is playing great.he is infact playing to his potential right now.he is already doing great  so it is a bit inappropriate to compare him with these other upcoming players.

    so if u talk about the game, i would choose gulbis

    but overall i think cilic can do really , really well.

  9. i think gulbis

  10. 1-nishikori(he is only 18)

    2-del porto



  11. 1. Gulbis

    2. Nishikori

    3. Del Potro

    4. Cilic

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