
Who do you really blame for the country' problems the federal government or state/local levels of government?

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yes in some ways the federal is some way to blame but it is the state local government fault for saying no to some programs. and also it is the american public mainly the democrats who want programs without thinking it will cost the any government to pay for it and they get paid by us thru taxes. so they need to see if they want something expect to pay for it thru raised taxes




  1. I think they all are to blame on some level!

  2. I blame individuals FIRST.

    Take the economy for example...Bush isnt responsible (nor are state or local officials) for someone buying a 500K house on 50k/yr income.

    EDIT to HolyCow: It's nice to see you have finally admitted that youre a Facist by proclaiming that people opposing your way of thinking should be banned from voting ; )

  3. Single issue voters and people who keep voting for the same morons.  These clueless people should be banned from voting.

  4. We have no one else to blame then ourselves, we bring people to the White House, Congress, House of Representatives.. Politicians in most cases need to do there best to suit what's right for the area and the economy. We elected President Bush twice, we got eight year's of horror. We can't blame him. We can only blame ourselves.  

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