
Who do you really blame for the high gas prices...and whats one way for it to go down.?

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i live in houston and i know that in other states its way higher than $3.20....but i cant help but wonder....whos fault it really is for it to go up ...almost everyday.




  1. It's mainly a problem of too much demand.  Americans have set up lifestyles where gas is a necessity.  Also, certain Asian countries are industrializing and demanding a piece of the pie.

  2. Koma, above, is right.  You, he, and I are to blame to the extent that we fail to insist on a pedestrian-friendly infrastructure.  As long as we insist on locomotion by private automobile, the status quo will prevail and gasoline will become increasingly expensive.

    Incidentally, the cost of your car and its maintenance is still far more expensive than the gasoline it consumes.

  3. GEORGE BUSH IS THE BLAME! the only way for the gas to go down is for us to pull out of Iraq and Hillary Clinton to be our president and than eventually gas will go down

  4. I blame us, the American people. This is as far as we will go to do something about it.

    I say we need to do an economic boycott for a month on gas company's.

    For 1 month don't buy gas from a certin gas company.

  5. Increased worldwide consumption and fuel traders who bid the cost up.

    jlangiu8,  you've lost your mind.    Hillary won't do anything that doesn't give her more power or money.   Look at her past,   she couldn't even be honest when called to testify.

  6. Easy answer to who's at fault. The oil companies. They're the ones setting the prices. They've got us all by the neck, we need fuel to get to work, heat our homes, provide electricity, transport cargo. There is not one aspect of life in the United States that isn't directly or indirectly dependent on petroleum-based fuels. The oil executives know and understand this well, and quite frankly, it's their oil, they have the right to ask whatever price they want for it. Just like if I sell a car I have the right to ask what I want for it.

  7. Greedy warmongers.

  8. more consumption, due to China and India growing and using more fuel than ever before

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