
Who do you really think governs this country, and why?

by Guest60750  |  earlier

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whether it be the media or the people and etc etc.




  1. The almighty $$$$$.  Because our society seems to worship it.  

  2. For a detailed answer to this question, read "What Every American Should Know About Who's Really Running The World" by Melissa Rossi.

  3. The President of Venezuala

  4. we do via representitives. its our fault for allowing the 2 parties to continue the corruption. we should demand better, and stop settling for just dem or reps. if you want real change vote Libertarian. stop wasting your vote and supporting the 2 party corruption

  5. the people dont govern s**t.  its all run by big business, the unions and the mob.  were just puppets playing the game that they let us play.  its hopeless.  i need a drink.

  6. Lobbyists, corporations like Walmart Google Exxon Mobile who all have seats in Washington. Big business runs America today.

  7. The legislative branch of the government determine what goes on in  this country.

    They vote on everything under the sun.THEY make the choices,including whether or not to Go to war.

    The President has very little real power because he needs their permission on any big decisions.

  8. Members of the Skull and Bones, the Freemasons, Arabs holding lots and lots of stock in American markets...tip of iceburg only

    why? because power in the USA = world power

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