
Who do you really trust?

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Who do you really trust?




  1. My parents.  They always have my welfare in mind.

  2. Just myself and my mum, but then again not always myself. Sometimes i do some really stupid things and then need to smack myself upside the head wondering why i didn't stop myself. Its a vicious circle!!

  3. First and foremost I have to say myself, but I also trust my friends and my family.

  4. The rice crispy voices

  5. This is simple enough a question that we often think to ourselves as we ask. But I think it would be more appropriate to ask as do we have trust within to trust someone without? If I ask instead – whom do you love? Then I think it will be easy for you to ask yourself - do I have love to give. This is same old fact about for all the good things that we are found desperately searching in other people, in the world around us. In this world we all search for peace, justice, kindness, generosity, love and beauty. But where do we find all these in their absolute? Whom can we trust for all these, someone who would never betray us, mislead or misguide us, do wrong to us or would never treat us badly?

    I think if we seek someone to trust then in fact we seek someone who we could trust fully. We never accept normal imperfections, natural weaknesses and flaws of human character to be any good explanation for people failing us. We never like to say, ‘Well, that person has done me wrong, but it is ok, as it was only natural in him to make such mistake ... therefore, I still trust him’. Instead we learn from by situations like this. We learn not to trust anyone - not absolutely at least.

    Therefore, if I want to trust someone fully as absolutely then I would find someone who would be absolutely loving, absolutely kind and generous beyond limits, absolutely just and fair, and who would never be unkind to me. But if we seek to trust normal human being, like you or me, then we have to be ready to find in other people what we have got ourselves.

    We can realise this and save ourselves from getting hurt and save other people from getting hurt by us. I we know ourselves we begin to trust ourselves, and when we learn to trust ourselves then, I believe, it becomes easy for us to see as who we can trust the best. I hope you will agree with me.

  6. myself. parents. sister.

  7. No one.

  8. Good friends. My wife.

    No employer or politician.

  9. my wife,shes a star.

  10. sad to say but theres days no one

  11. Myself and to some degree my husband

  12. my family

  13. No one

  14. Sadly..only myself..

    I try to trust others too as much as I can, but i wanna keep a good balance so i wont' end up hurting myself.

  15. Only myself.

  16. myself

  17. Mum

  18. my parents most of the time. they do what is best or me. and i trust loads of ppl, but i cant trust them with all my life, they are all humans, everyone makes mistakes. so i guess the answer is...god.

  19. my mother..

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