
Who do you reckon will win the snooker on Sunday?

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Who do you reckon will win the snooker on Sunday?




  1. o'sullivan

  2. really do not care, more p**sed of that I`m missing Top Gear... .

  3. Just been watching it, 4-0 looks like a good start. i think he has just started to play well and SM is in deep trouble.

  4. gotta say it will be ronnie o'sullivan, anyone who can win a match with a 147 has to be the favourite

  5. O'Sullivan. He's the spoon master.

  6. Ronnie O'Sullivan...

  7. If Ronny goes to the crapper to clear his head again then he could do it

  8. Rocket Ronnie

  9. Ronnie.

    The guy is superb, and his 147 was great :)

  10. I think you have to back Ronnie

  11. it'll be tough.

    ronnie can do it if he keeps focused!!

    come on ronnie!!

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