
Who do you report a slumlord to that charges full rent for only 1/3 advertised ammitities?

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my apartment advertised Spa, pool, security, and play area. Since I've moved here there has been three diferent sets of management and rules as well I have live here since January of 2006, and there has been no security we have used the pool twice due to closure for "cleanings", the children are no longer allowed to have anything with wheels, and with no pool there is no alternative for them. We were also required to purchase gate remotes that are useless since the gate hasn't worked more than a week since I've been here, and now with the pool emptied it presents a health and safety hazard. We are infested with roaches and people are allowed to keep dogs that are unleashed around our children. There has to be someone we could contact to look into this I live in the city of San Bernardino California HELP!!




  1. Call city hall. They can direct you to the proper place to file a complaint against the complex.  The city will have a department that presides over this sort of thing. If there are code violations they can fine the complex and if it doesn't deal with it ultimately shut the complex down.


    go check on that site for the california tenants section.

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