
Who do you take for the top 10?

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what are you predict for the top 10 players for the upcoming NHL entry draft. I think we can all agree Stamkos for 1st

1. Tampa Bay

2. LA

3. Atlanta

4. St. Louis

5. New York Islanders

6. Columbus

7. Toronto

8. Pheonix

9. Nashville

10. Vancouver

Final Player Rankings in order (top 15)

Stamkos, Bogosian, Doughty, Myers, Schenn, Pietrangelo,Beach, Boychuk, Hodson, Wilson, Boedker,Sbisa, Robak, Bailey, Del Zotto,

also if you think any team will take a shot in the dark at a player.




  1. any team that gets justin azevedo is getting a steal.

    how come the leafs get nikita filatov? if luke schenn's stock drops i hope the leafs can pick him up.

    anyways my rankings from 1-10





    luke schenn

    nikita filatov

    claude giroux

    zach boychuck

    luca sbisa

    michael del zotto

    did you notice how i raised giroux's stock and put him in top 10 lol. so the leafs can get him :P. i really tried not to cheat, but i don't understand how he's ranked so low. also pietrangelo and bogosian can go either or, but i agree with you and think he (alex) has a little bit more of an upside.

    i don't think that the leafs should take tyler at 7 at all. they should pass him up and take another d from the whl, a smaller d from the ohl, or luca sbisa. meyers has his size going for him, and he's also a good skater. he's tough to play against, but he makes really simple mistakes with the puck, and away from the play...really, we don't need another brian mccabe type. but if we did get him he should definately spend time playing with the marlies.

    also anyone who get nikita filatov is getting a really sound well rounded hard working hockey player, who can shoot and play defensively and is really resonsible playing the puck. his upside far surpasses his age and how long he's been playing hockey and he's probably one of the best skaters of the group. he's that good. having said that i don't mind that you ranked him 7th so the leafs can get him, but i don't want him on this team either. haha.

    boddangles what can you tell me about colin wilson, why does he make your top 10 over kyle beach, cody hodgson, and mikkel boedker? thanks for the info. you were actually thinking of where these guys would fit on a team, and i just ranked them on talent based on who i've seen play most.

    doesn't claude giroux have a brother who's draft eligible this year? i think i got him mixed up with someone else. hahaha. i think i got him mixed up with maxime sauve from val d'or. oh man. anyways it's him/filatov for #7.

  2. i can give you my top 3




  3. i think stamkos first

    but i think the canes need either a good defenseman or jared staal if he entered

  4. I think the Leafs will take Myers over Filatov, or however you spell his name. They're fine on forwards, but they've always had problems on the D. Myers is a big boy, too, so the size, toughness, and brains will be a bigger asset for the Leafs than the young Russian.

    Again, they need size and toughness more than offense, especially after they traded away Gill and Belak.

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