
Who do you talk to when you need help with a personal problem?

by  |  earlier

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  1. I help myself with my personal problem kouze ur the only one who nohs whats best for u >

  2. I believe in God so he is my first and ulitmate source for anything! so pray to God first then your parents.  

  3. Parents,family, or a good trustworthy friend

  4. i write it down. then i read it over and tada! the answer's there.

  5. one of my best guy friends

    nd my best girl friends

    but not my crush

    somtimes my mom

    nevr my dad

  6. 1) My mom

    2) Close friends who have experience in the area I have a problem with, and who I can trust

    3) Counsellor/Psychologist if it is a psychological/emotional problem, and (1) and (2) are not feasible

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