
Who do you think Adrian's father is from the secret life of the american teenager?

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i think Adrian's father is either the guidance counselor, and he wanted her to wait for months because he didnt want her to know it was him. or George, amy's dad, because adrian's mom said he was an old friend

or... the birth certificate may be wrong and un-official because the guidance counselor said that it was a copy of a copy of a copy, etc. so it might not be true..

what do you think?




  1. Omg you think soooo good! I never thought it would be the guidence counselour, but now that you think of it, it makes total sense!!!!!!!!!  Maybe it's him or Amy's dad, you do have a really really really good point!!!!!!!  I think it's probably the guidance counselour, but i can not wait to find out!!!!!! (:

  2. the guidance con or Amy's dad

  3. I think it is Amy's dad. It makes sense because she said that he was an old friend. Since George is Adrian's dad I bet Cindy and George have been sleeping together since she was born. Maybe they broke up and he slept with Anne and she got pregnant with Amy and he married her because it was the "right thing to do" and decided to just sleep with Cindy on the side.

  4. wow! it prolly is the guidence counsolor. idk if he knos it or not tho. and i remember when ben was in his office and asked him like what happend to ur love life and since adrians mom is single then they must have broken up or she left or he left. i want to find out rele bad!!!!!

  5. i think it's George.  

  6. those are both good guesses i never thought of. maybe it is amy's dad.

  7. i think its the guidance consuler and he doesnt no it  becuz in 1 of the episodes ben said u have gotten ur heart broken b4 and u are afraid to get it broken again.

  8. I think it is Gracie's little brother LOL jk

  9. I thought it was the guidance counselor for a while but i don't think it is becuse that wouldn't be enough drama.  I agree with you though on the un-officical or wrong because its a copy of a copy.  But im looking forward to finding out!

  10. George

  11. I think it is Amy's dad because Adrian read the birth certificate right in front of the guidance counselor and because in the previews ashley said in the previews that she couldn't believe something was happening.

  12. wow, I never even thought of it being the guidence counselor, it kind of makes since though, if it was that would make things very strange. Hmm...I not sure, just have to wait and find out.

  13. wow i nvr thought of the guidance counselor being the father. but thats a possibility. he dosen't do much in the show except talk to the kids. so maybe thats the reason they put him in the show bc he would end up being adrians father. gr8 prediction.  

  14. He is a C.I.A. agent.

  15. My daughter and I both think Adrian's father will turn out to be Amy's dad.

  16. I think that it will be Amy's dad or Grace's dad.

  17. i don't think its either Amy's dad or the councelor because when the councelor gave the birth certificate to her she glanced at it and it and if it would have said either of those names she wouldnt have been so happy and reacted the way she did.

    but, her father still could be the councelor and he could have gotten the certificate and changed it to say that he isnt the father, and then told her about it being a copy of a copy incase she would ever find out.

    but to add more drama on the show it could have adrian sleep with the councelor and then find out that he actually is her father.

    you never know though, this show is full of of shocking twists and surprises

  18. Your right, I never thought that it could be the guidence counsolor but it could be... I was thinking that it would be Amys dad cause he seems alll the sudden like he wants to be over there all the time.And her mom did say he was an old friend.....

  19. I think it is george.  

  20. I think it is the guidance consular cuse she said that "You could give it to me if you wanted to" and if he wasn't hiding anything than he would have gave it to her.

    and if you saw the preview for episode 9 when amys dad say to adrian "i owe you one" He is thanking her becuse she let him use her apartment so that he could have his daughter over

  21. I always thought it was the guidance counselor. But I don't think he knows it. I agree with you on the wrong and un-official thing tho.

  22. I think it's amy's dad.

  23. yeahh i really thought it was the counselor! but george is a good answer!

    maybe its Grace's little brother's dad that left him! i dont know but i'm really excited to find out! Good thinking! :)

  24. It'll most likely be someone who hasn't made an appearance in the show yet.

    Though I could imagine it being the counselor, the chances of that happening are really slim. :c

    Can't wait to find out, though.

  25. I never thought about it before but i think it's the guidance counselor now...and i think he knows but isn't ready to tell her and it was an un-official copy. :P But then again it could be Amy's dad?

  26. who knows who cares

  27. maybe it might be the guidance counselor....or i was originally thinking the birth certificate was un-official.  but i just realized it could be amys dad too.  idk.

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