
Who do you think Carol Shepp McCain will vote for?

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Do you think she is for the man who abandoned her for Cindy?




  1. She has already stated her preference...John McCain.

    Even she can't vote for Obaby.

  2. No, she won't vote for him. They paid her to talk nice but it is insane to think anyone would say good things about anyone who treated her & her kids like he did. He didn't talk to them until 2000 right before he was going to run for Pres. then...His one son Andrew McCain is involved in a huge scandal involving an S & L & millions of dollars missing

  3. yes, she actually is and I believe she was there last night.

  4. She'll vote for her ex-husband and friend.

    In 1967 McCain was deployed to Vietnam, and a year later he was shot down and captured by the North Vietnamese. He was detained at the infamous “Hanoi Hilton" for five-and-a-half years. When he returned to the United States, ***his wife had not seen him for six years***.  

    Meanwhile, Shepp had been severely injured in an automobile accident. When McCain returned from Vietnam, both he and Shepp underwent physical therapy simultaneously. ***Their marriage lasted seven more years.****

    I imagine people may grow apart in a situation like that. Carol and John both have grace in the situation, as should everyone else.

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