
Who do you think Condoleeza Rice is voting for in 08?

by Guest58633  |  earlier

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Obama or McCain?




  1. She is not a socialist

    John McCain and Sarah America Palin !

    NObama Bin Biden

  2. Obama ! The whole Bush cabinet should vote for Obama since McCain took them to woodshed at Convention on National Television! Just out of spite!

    Obama /Biden 2008!

    Ebony & Ivory Presidency!

  3. condoleeza rice, that sounds like a mexican dish, we should put her on a plate and send her to mexico and maybe the mexicans will eat her


  4. without a doubt McCain.

    he wants to keep the war shenanigans with georgia going... and she has spent the last few weeks poking the great bear with a stick (via missile installments outside russia and the works). why wouldn't she vote for him?

  5. Sarah Palin because Condi is a smart Texan.  

  6. Ask the puppetmaster.  She does what she's told.

  7. McCain.

    I still think McCain should have chosen Condaleeza for VP.

  8. Obama.

    McCain will also vote for Obama.

  9. If you ask a Republican, they will probably say Obama because she is black.  But wait no, Palin because she's a woman.  But no, Obama because she's black...but then again, don't all women vote for women?

  10. She will write in George W Bush

  11. I think she will stick with her party.  She will probably vote for McCain.

  12. Who cares who that dingbat votes for... she simultaneously set womens rights and african americans' rights back 20 years.

  13. Obama , no question about it.

  14. mccain...i think she sees obama as an inexperienced person as well

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