
Who do you think Hillary Clinton will pick as her Vice President? Obama, Bill Richardson or Rahm Emanuel?

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Who do you think Hillary Clinton will pick as her Vice President? Obama, Bill Richardson or Rahm Emanuel?




  1. no one...she is gonna lose... No One with any sense will vote for her...her stand is wishy-washy and she had no values. She doesn't have anything to contribute to the US. She just wants to make her rich friends richer and stick it to the working class! Take the time to read about her stands and her comments about the working class


  2. I think she'll sit home on her fat, Donkey looking a*s & cry after she looses.

  3. I'm sure she already has some choices in mind ... her short list?  How about this? ... none of the above.  Bill becomes the VP and she can practice role reversal on a grand scale.

  4. Hillary Clinton if she ever pick Barack Obama will have an unbeatable team in 2008 election.

    VOTE for your choice as US President on my 360 degrees blog and know who will likely win.

  5. None of the above. She will need someone she can push around.

  6. Probably Richardson but lets all PRAY that she does not become the candidate.

    I really think if she does though, that Obama would go third party candidate and still run.

  7. Without a doubt, Bill Richardson.

    He picks her up in every area where she is weak or percevied to be weak. His resume is rock solid and filled with experienvce. He is considered the second most likeable politician in the country, behind Bill Clinton, he can deliver some Southern states and most importantly of all, he is Hispanic and will bring over a large amount of that much needed voting bloc.

  8. D= Clinton/Richardson


    R= McCain/Huckabee

    My educated guess. Obama maybe VP but I think his wife will say no way... As Rudy & Mitt duke it out McCain will pass them way by... it is happening already.

    D =Richardson/Gore    in the General. Clinton removed in a landslide of Campaign Ethics Commission violation charges rendering her useless. Barely saving her Senate seat. :)


  9. I think it will depend on who is nominated as the Republican candidate.  I'd like to see a Clinton/Edwards ticket

  10. I think it could be Richardson, he is kissing up all the time, and she can run over him like a diesel over a dog.  She might even get that ex LaRaza President on her ticket, she needs them 20 million illegals, illegal votes to win, or she could get Sandy Berger to steal them for her.

  11. I hope she picks Bill Richardson. He is realistic, experienced, well-informed & he's ready, willing & able.  They'd make an excellent team.

  12. I think it will DEFINITELY not be Obama...he's made her work too hard for something she thinks should have droppedi nher lap.  Richardson is by far the most experienced, but he's mighty brown...and the issue is how much sexism and racism will sink the Democratic ticket?  with immigration being so hot button, even though he's NOT really an immigrant, he looks Mexican to your average American voter.  So a woman and a "minority" on the same ticket will not win.  I think she'll go with something much more conventional...white Southern or midwesterner...not Emmanuel, he's too partisan.  i'm gonna guess Schumer and Dodd will get cabinet level positions and she goes with Evan Bayh or tries to woo Edwards into VPOTUS.  Don't sleep on governors, either...look for a popular midwestern or southern governor to get the nod just as easily

  13. None of those

  14. Hopefully Hillary won't be the nominee.  I don't care for either of your 3 choices all that much.  Hillary, Obama, and Emanuel are part of the Democratic controlled legislature that is too chicken to stand up against Bush.  Bill Richardson is too pro-business.  I prefer John Edwards as President but he would make a good Vice President and it would be his 2nd win (including the stolen 2004 election) for that office.  Of course, whichever Democrat becomes President will be 1,000,000 times better than the Bush Crime Family, so hopefully everyone will support whichever Democrat wins the primary.

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