
Who do you think Sion Jenkins is trying to kid?

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Sion Jenkin's book giving his side of Billie-Jo's murder has recently been published. I won't buy it - I am convinced he murdered that young girl so I have no intention of giving him any of my cash. I live not too far from Hastings and I have yet to meet a local person who thinks he is innocent; including members of the police. The police have made no secret of the fact that as far as they are concerned they had the right man when they arrested him. His own wife testified against him in court and then moved to the other side of the world to get her daughters away from him! She exposed him as a violent, controlling man with a nasty temper who frequently beat his wife and kids. Why would she lie? Also, he was only acquitted on his re-trial because two juries had been unable to reach an agreement on a verdict. What is he trying to acheive by publishing this book? Surely he should just be grateful that he got away with it and leave it at that? What do you think?




  1. Agree with you. The book is probably all about his own ego, oh and a chance to make money.

    This man should never have walked free.

  2. You might like to think it he the killer based on circumstantial evidence , however that does not stand up in  court. He has been acquitted and therefore he didn't kill her. There is NO evidence to suggest he did.

    Do you also think the McCanns killed Madeleine, even though there is absolutely NO evidence to suggest that.

  3. If  Sion Jenkins did not kill her  !! The question is " Who did ? "    

  4. well i don;t believe him either, but he has been acquitted, and is now trying to put the record straight, according to him. I wouldn't be buying any book that looks set to profit out of a young persons untimely and gruesome death.  

  5. I agree with you! After reading some books on unsolved crimes (im into that type of stuff!!!) i completely think he is guilty. Its a shame he got away with it. The fact that he has written a book completely disgusts me. We should boycott it.

  6. Either way, yet another charming role model from the professional middle classes !!

  7. Jenkins may or may not be a nice guy, but it's sheer conjecture to say he got away with murder. He was cleared because there simply wasn't any convincing evidence against him, simple as that. All that there was were some blood spots, plus lots of rumour and innuendo.

    The only thing you can pull out of the hat is that he has an ex wife who, for reasons best known to herself, bears a grudge. Jenkins' natural daughters gave evidence in his defence at the retrial (the mother WOULD NOT LET THEM do this at the original trial even though they wanted to, and believed their dad was innocent), and Jenkins himself has no previous convictions for domestic violence or indeed any sort of crime.

    The police thought they "had the right man" when they arrested Barry George and Colin Stagg, too, to say nothing of Stefan Kizsko, Stephen Downing, etc. Needless to say, they were wrong.

    And who cares what "local people" think? They may live in Hastings but they weren't at the trial, nor were they at the scene of the crime.

  8. yes, its a difficult case, i too have serious doubts about his innocence, BUT, we're all reminded of recent stories in the news,, Colin Stagg for one, where we all as a society demonised him because WE thought he was guilty, so we need to be careful about 'proving him guilty'

    however, having said all that, i do believe there are serious doubts about his innocence and why, if you were devastated about the loss and murder of your foster child, would you then write a book about it to give 'your side of the story', that would not be your prime concern, you would be concerned with helping the police find the right person. i feel it is a controlling manipulative move.

  9. The poor man is as innocent as Kate and Gerry.........Enough said !!

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