
Who do you think are the most advanced species men or women?

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Who do you think are the most advanced species men or women?




  1. Uhhhh... they are the same species.  I think you mean "gender".  Neither one is more advanced as a gender.  There are smart women and not so smart women.  There are smart men, and not so smart men.

  2. species?!?!?! female ants, female dogs, female elephants, female turtles, female tarantulas, female trees? females

    tigress, lioness, doe a deer a female deer...

  3. I'm sure you meant who is more advanced, men or women.  I don't necessarily think that one gender is more advanced than another but I do think that we are taught to excel in certain areas over others.  For example, there are brilliant female mathematicians but the field is dominated by men.  I think this is because woman aren't usually encouraged to go after the math and sciences.   I give credit to both genders because I think each one is advancing.

  4. I have a better question.  Who are the most advanced species, old people or young people?  Or, how about, whether red-haired people or blond-haired people are the most advanced species?  Right-handed or left-handed?  Tall or short?

    You might want to look up the term species, and maybe do a little more reading on your own.  And, by the way, your use of the term "advanced" is loaded with all sorts of bias as well.  What makes something more advanced than another?  You may have to qualify that statement.

    In short, your question makes no sense.

    Oh wait, I have another one, who is the most advanced species, me or my brother?

  5. I agree with the Venus and Mars thing but you have to realize that we were meant to work together. I tried to get some people in the military to realize this also but to no avail.  Men complained that women couldn't lift heavy objects (in the military everything is heavy) so I said that there should be male/female teams.  Women have small hands that are able to get to parts of a engine that large hands can't access.  Smaller frames of a woman can get to areas of an airplane that large frames can't.  Women are more survival oriented and realize dangers that men don't.  In the book,"Myth of Male Power", the author talks of the way that women are making jobs, once worked by only men, safer by pointing out dangers unnoticed by men.  We are meant to work together.

  6. To the question I know you were TRYING to ask:

    I think that women are more advance than men.  I say this due to the fact that we are genetically predisposed to nurture and birth babies.

    I'm sure there will be many who disagree and that's ok.  It's my opinion, after all.

    EDIT: You know, you all give me thumbs down for giving my opinion.  However, I was the first person to bother actually answering the question.  So a big Middle Finger UP for each of you who gave me a thumbs down!

  7. men and women are different species? wow.

  8. lol ok need to refine your question, men and women are'nt different species.

    The most advanced species on earth is a virus.

  9. I am a woman and in that I must say men because try as I might cannot completely understand them.

  10. There both the same.

  11. ...a more important one is...caucasoid, mongoloid, neg@roid?

  12. Since men and women are different species, that's like comparing apples and oranges!

    Actually, men are left-brain dominant, and women are right-brain dominant, something Mars & Venus, perhaps?

  13. I think they're the same species.

  14. men are the workers, women are the shirkers, when women  say one thing you can bet your life she means some thing else, when she says for richer or for poorer, she means your rich but soon you will be poor

    or till death do us part, what she really means till divorce court we part,

  15. Besides the term species issue let's look at statistics.

    Murder and crime - 99.99% male, .01% female

    Power in politics 90% male, 10% female ( Ms. Clinton being an example of exception)

    War 100% male, 0% female

    Aggressive driving 80% male, 20% female

    Sexual aggression 99% male, 1% female

    Hmmm now which of us is more evolved? Are statistics not a good enough science to answer this? Flat out women are more evolved.

  16. Human Beings.

  17. Well "Worlock 6",

    You are not off to a good start if you fantasize that we males are actually superior to females. You begin by demonstrating that you have no idea what a spices is.

    Every woman who responded,knew better, so for the small sampling in here, they are all superior!

    The only superiority men have over women is size and strength; it is not to our credit that we misassume that this genetic anomaly extends to anything else.

    Having said this I have seen women whom, I would not want to meet in a dark alley, if they were my enemy and I have been in a few dark alleys.

  18. I think women are more set up to be "survivors" and to continue the race as we are the ones who have babies and the main ones who look after them in their infancy (survival of the species) and when they worked out how to do artificial insemination well you could argue that that sort of thing can leave men out of the breeding picture sort of (well of course you would need the sperm bank I suppose but no sweat!!) and I can't see a man ever carrying a baby for 9 months.  Not knocking men just stating facts!!  Also I think women are better at psyching out how other people are feeling and maybe better at solving problems with words rather than getting violent.   So if right now world wide all the males were to disappear then the human race would continue to survive whereas if all the females were to vanish well humankind would be down the gurgler so my vote is solidly on Women being in the better position to keep the homo sapiens going.

  19. Men and women are the same phylum and species last time I looked.

    kingdom:  animal

       phylum:  chordate (animals with backbones)

          class:  mammal (with hair, female makes milk)

             order:  primate (apes and monkeys)

                family:  mankind, (with extinct Neanderthals, etc.)

                   genus:  Homo

                      species:  sapiens

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